Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 22: On the front door step


Another perfect day.  We haven't had one bad day of weather yet, and with Tropical Storm Richard getting pushed more and more in to land south of us, I'm not too worried about that either.  We scoped out Apalachicola and while it was a cool town with some great Oysters we decided to move on.  We fueled up as soon as the marina opened and took off.  Back out in to open waters.  As we throttled up land quickly disappeared behind us.  We were offshore without land in sight for about five hours and at one point about 60 miles out.  It felt good to be out on open waters again as the boat sliced through the water purring away.  We got in to Clearwater around 1730 and we were ready to have some fun.  17 straight days of running, most of those days well over 12 hour work days, it was time to have a little fun.  We checked in and got the local scoop.  Frenchy's was having a block party with stone crab on the menu.  Town was buzzing.  Finally a place where there was a wait at a restaurant, people were everywhere.  We went to the block party for awhile then wandered from one bar to another, meeting people on the way.  Now as I write to you the next morning, we plan to wash the boat this morning and head for the beach for an afternoon in the sun.  Its only 85 with out a cloud in the sky....

Sound Waves Out

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