Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 61: Electronics


It was quiet this morning.  I had a nice breakfast and got to work.  The bow thruster project continues on and now all that separates us and completion is a 0.25" gap between the new coupler and the clutch.  Apparently the rubber center flux is supposed to be able to flex enough to make up for this quarter of an inch, but it looks like a pretty big gap to me.  I have the ABT mechanics in both California and Florida looking in to it for me and getting back with me tomorrow.  Hopefully we can finish this dang project soon, and if I have to wait for more parts to be manufactured because a coupler was machined wrong than this captain will be angry.

After we got done with our daily dose of bow thruster pump I went right in to some of the electronics projects on the list.  The lights in the master suite are not working and even after a yacht services guy looked at the systems with the owner they could not figure it out.  The other topic for the evening was a "simple" swap of a light switch that broke.

I started swapping out the light switch for the art work on the starboard settee and after I had the whole thing wired up I flipped the switch...nothing.  What the hell.   I tried this, I tried that, I even swapped the new switch with another old switch and made sure the new switch was O.K.  I changed the light bulb and checked every connection visible.  I dug up the transformer and changed the fuse.  S#!T.  Still nothing.   Now as I right this blog I look to the left and the galley is a mess with wires everywhere, switches hanging out of the wall, and bulbs hanging from the ceiling.  The whole settee is torn up so I could get to the transformer.  All to light up a piece of art on the wall.

In the meantime I started digging in to the master suite situation.  The multimeter showed power everywhere, but what the heck.  I swapped some fuses in the transformer relay box just for the hell of it, and proved myself right... it wasn't a fuse.  Well if I am getting power to the wires but no lights, maybe the switch isn't closing the circuit?  I killed most of the power on the boat, found a good switch and swapped it with the possible bad switch...nope.  Ok maybe EVERY bulb blew out.  That thought actually just came to me but what are the odds (I'll probably go change a few lights after this haha).  In some weird "f$*&$ed" up way maybe the two problems, which are completely separate systems on board, are connected to each other.  Thank God my neck is feeling a little bit better, at least I have that going for me.

The question of the night... where is the magical transformer that controls the settee art light and the master suite together but with nothing else on the boat?

Go ahead and reply an answer to me, if you are right you can have next weeks pay check (not really)

Here are some pictures of tonights activities:

The Settee bench, the mess is much worse than the picture can show

Transformer and Relay for Master Suite.  Why is it that everything looks normal?  Shouldn't something be burning or something?  That'd make it easy

Swapping out some switches in the master suite in an attempt to narrow down the mystery.

Why is it that it just doesn't work?  Not a fuse, not a switch, not a bulb, not the socket.....all connections go for go

So the final conclusion to tonights projects?  None.  I just took all of these pictures and as I scratch my head in confusion suddenly my neck begins to hurt again.  I don't think it has anything to do with the pillows this time.  I think stress may be involved.  I have an idea.  I think I'll just re-wire the entire boat..............

Sound Waves Out

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 60: Time alone


The sun hangs on as the last bit of red disappears in the sky.  The night clouds have already began their charge as they take over the night sky.  While the wind tried its best today not a ripple on the water remains as insects sing away in the park across the harbor.  The music up at the restaurant is clear as day as one man plays acoustic guitar for people enjoying a nice dinner on the water.  A few transient boaters are still shuffling around their boats, trying to get a freshwater rinse done as quickly as possible in order to not miss any part of cocktail hour.  Another sits in the pilot house with some red light, maybe plotting tomorrows course or checking the weather.  My skin is salty and sticky as another hot Florida day has earned my shirt the next trip to the washing machine soaked in sweat.  The to-do list is growing smaller and other than a few big projects most of the list consists of smaller "tedious" items.  I'm hoping to finish the bulk of those tedious items tomorrow and loosen up the work load a little bit.  My neck is feeling a little better today so hopefully I can focus more on crawling in to small spaces instead of babying my neck.

I'm trying to get back in to playing guitar, and tonight I threw down three or four verses on paper and put some notes behind them.  It would be nice to get back in to it again, I really miss it.  I just need to find the patience and the time to do so.

Sip back
Kick back
The sun begins to fade
Drink up
Burn up
and end another day
It feels so nice
I'll never be the same
But then what the hell
Why should I change

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 59: Neck


My neck has gotten worse and I had to take some pretty strong pain medication today just to be comfortable.  The owner wouldn't let me do much today and insisted that I take the day off.  I spent most of the day on the couch with a hot pack on my neck.  I felt really stupid that a pillow is what is causing this.  It could be something better like I wrestled a shark or something.  I hope that it feels better tomorrow because as of right now I am in some pretty significant pain while I write this blog.

I sent everyone on there way this afternoon and I don't think there is one family member in Florida anymore.  It was good to have the company and to see everyone, but I now look forward to tearing through this to-do list that has yet to go under one page long.  I will be really disappointed if now that I have the boat to myself my neck slows me down.  The weather still has yet to fully break after the cold front came through late last week.

Time to go lay down and get another hot pack going....

Sound Waves Out

Day 58: Crummy Weather


Sorry for the delayed blog.  It was a warm welcome as I got back in to Sarasota.  We landed in heavy fog and it was kind of eerie.  The humidity was 98% and the windows on the plane fogged over as soon as we started to taxi off of the runway.  The owner and some of the family was at the marina restaurant listening to the band.  It was a productive day even though the weather was bad all day.  I switched out the glen denning switch and soldered on a new one.  I re-adjusted all of the lines to get the boat back in the slip where I want it and then we took off in the dingy to go to Captain Kurt's for lunch.  It also happened to be the day of the Michigan/Ohio State game.  Well it also happened to be that Captain Kurt's is a huge Ohio State bar.  I reluctantly went in.

I hurt my neck sleeping on the pillows at my parents house and it has really been hurting, but despite that we still managed to get a lot done today.  We went out to Pacific Rim (the sushi place) for the owners sons birthday.
The family leaves tomorrow and things will get pretty quiet.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 57: In Flight blogging!


So over the holidays the airlines are offering free internet on board the plane.  I thought that this would be a great time to write in the blog!  So tonights blog comes to you from seat 25D (exit row) on board flight DL1916 en route to Sarasota, FL. 

Todays game was a bummer as Saugatuck lost in the state finals to Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart.  They played hard and Lance scored two touchdowns!  I hope that the whole team can realize what they accomplished this season after some of the pain of a lose at the highest level subsides.  That was the only game I was able to go to this year and, heck, I'm proud of those guys.  Congratulations again Saugatuck.  

The flights have been going smoothly other than about a 45 min delay leaving Atlanta.  Who cares though, if that is the worst that happens to me over the last month of air travel I've been doing I won't complain.  I just can't get over how big of a deal everyone makes this air travel process.  People can't wait to get on the plane, then they can't wait to get off.  It just baffles me.  

I got word that the cold front in Sarasota finally came through, and came through when I thought it would. It is reassuring for me to be able to read the weather systems while the boat is still at the dock, as opposed to testing the weather systems in the middle of the Gulf Stream.  This time of year a cold front can really get you in trouble in the south so it is important for me to be able to read the signs of an approaching cold front before it hits, even if I don't have the internet.  

For now I'm going to sit back and enjoy the flight as the lady in front of me who smells of old cigarettes talks the ear off of the poor passenger sitting next to her.  I mean no one cares that your son lost his college grants because his true father got arrested or ....geez I don't even know she just keeps going on and on.  The beverage cart just went by and about took off my elbow, but that just means that a nice refreshing sprite is on the way, as for some reason that has become my drink of choice while flying.  I just hope that I can stay awake long enough for that beverage as the warm still air and the hum of the engines make my eyes more heavy with each word I type. 

I can almost smell the salt water...again

Sound Waves Out

P.S. I just heard her say something about C-sections and small intestines....gross

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 56: Happy Thanksgiving!


Everything kind of came together at the last second.  Lance and Saugatuck got a state finals bid in the playoffs.  A week before that I promised his mom that if Lance went to state finals that I would be there no matter what it took.  On top of that it was Thanksgiving weekend.  I figured the boss would need me because all of the family was coming in to town and there would be a lot of traffic on the boat.  I had to keep to my promise though.  I presented the idea and he said that I should definitely get to Michigan.  His family would cover for me as crew for the couple of nights.  I booked a flight for a little over $300 and it was set in stone.  I will be here for just over 24 hours and it will be just enough.  Good times with the family and a great home cooked meal for Thanksgiving back at good ole Clarklake and a classic high school football game.  I don't even think I'll loose any of my tan.

I think back to the fall of 2003 when I was sitting where Lance sits tonight.  It was the biggest night of my life.  Nothing else mattered.  It wasn't that I was nervous, I just remember wanting to get out there and play.  Now as he sits in his hotel in Detroit I am sure there won't be much sleep tonight.  I wish them the best of luck.  I sent him a picture of the front page of the newspaper when I won the state finals back in 2003 and told him to play hard and be proud.  Win or lose they need to remember what they did this season and be proud of that.  Back in 2003 when I was winning a state title Saugatuck's program was on some crazy 0-39 streak.  The fact that they have gone from winless seasons like that to a state championship bid is incredible.  I wish them the best of luck tomorrow!!!  Go Indians!

As I sit back in the chair in my parents living room the fire warms the left side of my body as a little bit of smoke escapes the vacuum of the chimney and makes my eyes water a little.  The wood cracks as one log rolls off another as the fire burns on.  Zac Brown band is playing in the background as the after dinner conversation carries on up at the table not too far away.  With the help of a little bit of alcohol the volume of the conversation has gone up a little bit.  The lights are dim and the atmosphere warming.  Dad throws another dish in to the sink and scrubs away as long time family friend Elizabeth dries dish after dish trying to keep pace.  Its a cozy "I'm home again" feeling that I find myself missing suddenly as I write to you.  All of the great things I've seen and all of the awesome things I've done in the past year and I still find that there is nothing quite as good as coming home.  It won't be long before I'm gone again, less than 12 hours actually, but it was just right.  It was a surprise to everyone that I came home, and I'm glad I did.

Happy Turkey

Sound Waves Out

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 55: The whole famn damily


Last night was a fun time as some of the owners family got together and went out for dinner and drinks.  We went to Pacific Rim, which was that awesome sushi place we went to a few weeks ago.  Afterwards we went out to see what was going on and ended up having a pretty good time.  A place called "Gilligans" in the village seemed like it could be a pretty happening place, but it was Tuesday.  This morning was a little slow as I was waiting for the mechanic to come, he didn't show up until afternoon.  We rented a car as a lot of the family flew in today.  We also got the jet boat back with the new tower, the speakers, the bimini, and tower lights.  It looks pretty cool but we aren't sure if we will keep the tower or not.  The mechanic and I got the ice maker back up and running and almost got the bow thruster up and working again, expect we are still short four bolts.  Hopefully I can find those bolts locally and won't have to ship them in from California.  Now the owners entire family is here so it should be pretty busy over the weekend.

Tomorrow morning I fly out very early in the morning to go back to Detroit to watch Saugatuck and Lance Kleino play in the Michigan state finals for football.  I fly back to Florida that evening, so it will be a little more than a 24 hour trip.  I am really excited about the trip, as I will get to see some of my family and have Thanksgiving dinner at home.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 54: Lunch Cruise


Today we went down to the owners condo where his father has a 40' Sea Ray.  The owner and some of the family came down to take the boat to lunch.  We went to a nice place right off of the ICW just south of the condos on Casey Key.  It was a nice day, the sun was out and warm on the face.  It was good to go for another boat ride.  After returning I booked my flight to return to Detroit for the day to go to the Division 8 state final football game.  A few more chores and now the sun is starting to dip lower in the sky.  It is just about to set the palm trees on fire.  The wind has given up for the day and the heat is releasing its grip.  There are just enough clouds in the sky to make a perfect set up for another great sunset.  The transient slips across from us are already starting to fill up as the holiday approaches.

Sound Waves Out

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 53: Filters and Pumps oh my


The owner granted me a day to sleep in and besides waking up at 0800 I took advantage and laid in bed for awhile.  The morning was spent doing research online, ordering some parts, and working on my tax expenses.  The afternoon however was different.  The mechanic showed up, who I have become pretty good friends with, and we got the master suite air conditioning back online.  The trigger system for the water pump went bad and the sequencing was off so the system would not stay on.  We replaced the trigger in the electrical box and everything worked great.  While the mechanic did the dirty work on the trigger I managed to sneak away and change all four secondary fuel filters in the engine room.  They were due, and while you can not do a visual inspection like the primaries, it had been well over 200 hours.  After I got the secondaries changed I noticed the mechanic was still down in the generator room.  I managed to change and clean all of the air intake filters while I waited for him to be done.  After he was done we decided to change out the starboard engine fuel lift pump as we had reason to believe it had a leak in it.  The racors on the starboard side emptied out after about 14 hours.  They would not completely drain though, which indicated that the feed was still feeding...for lack of a better explanation that takes up two pages.  I crawled back in to the deepest corner of the engine room and proceeded to disconnect all four fuel connections, the base screws, and the electrical systems.  The mechanic slapped on some loc tight and handed me the new pump.  Sweating, thirsty and a little bit hungry I did everything all over again, but in reverse.  I stripped new wires, crimped, set, aligned, connected and got the new lift pump in place.  We had to fire the starboard engine to get the pump to prime itself but everything seems to be working.  Hopefully that is the problem and tomorrow I will do an engine room walk around and find the starboard racors full and healthy, if not, tomorrow will not be a good day to talk to me.
The owner took me out for a burger and all in all it was a very productive day.
Tomorrow I will be running the 40' Sea Ray for the owners father as well as the owner with some guests for a lunch cruise.  It should be a relaxing afternoon.

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 52: Boat Ride!


I woke up early today, amazing.  I snuck around the boat trying to be as quiet as possible in order to not wake the owner.  I did some small projects out side and got the boat ready for our party.  The owners father, who I worked for all of last summer was having some friends (20) on board today for a sunset cruise out on the gulf.  We set up to have the event catered by Marina Jacks, and I was getting a temporary stewardess for the day...YES!!!!   The boat was in great shape and ready to go.  Our friends from next door, "Aloan at Last", got back from Harbor Island today and it was great to see their first mate, Keith, again.  We have started to become friends.  The dinner cruise went well and besides the boat being a little crowded it was a fun time.  I didn't have to focus on the guests as much because I had help which was great.  It was great to learn the waters around here and get to know the short cuts.

Once back at the dock, the weekly reggae band, Democracy, was playing up at the restaurant.  The owner took me, his girlfriend, and our temporary stewardess up for some cocktails and appetizers.  The atmosphere was electric.  People of all sizes, colors, ages, etc.... were out on the dance floor as Democracy played from one song right in to the next without stopping.  A very large lady dressed in marley colors was the hit of the night.  She is going to be sore tomorrow, and so am I because I couldn't stop laughing.  Now as I lay in my new bed in the true captains quarters (I was in the VIP suite for the longest time) I look forward to tomorrow.  Today was fun, and while this job forces you to walk a line between absolute vacation and sweat, slave all day work I slowly have figured out my new boss.  We work well together and despite a two page list of things that need to get done he still makes sure I can relax and have some fun when a good days work is done, and for that I am grateful.

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 51: Mechanic, Engineering?


Well lets start with the important things.  I woke up this morning and went for a run...............(pause for disbelief)...........Ok Ok Ok I didn't get as far as I used to be able to but c'mon baby steps right?  I even did some push ups and sit ups when I got done.  And well by God I felt perty darn good!
Next the even more important things, CONGRATULATIONS SAUGATUCK HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AND LANCE KLEINO for your semi-final victory and bid to the Michigan High School State Championship at Ford Field Thanksgiving weekend.  Those are the days I will never forget, so live it up boys!

So lets see now that the important stuff is out of the way I should probably just stop typing right?  Too bad.  After my run I ate a delicious bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, jumped in the shower and before I could get my pants on...wait shorts (back in Florida duh) the mechanic was already here.  Remember the bow thruster problem we had way back in Chicago?  Well the parts finally came in and the owner scheduled a mechanic to come in and put it all back together.  The two of us worked most of the morning in the engine room with the owner right over our shoulders.  What can I say, great bunch, we all wanted to help.  That list that was a mile long that I made last night didn't even get looked at today, well besides the fact that it got longer.  We got the thruster moving in the right direction and the clutch is off to a machine shop for some modifications.  Some guests arrive tonight and even more for the Thanksgiving weekend.  It should be an exciting time, hopefully I can get back to Detroit for Saugatuck's game!!!

Sound Waves Out

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 39 - 50: Captain


Well I finally did it.  I completed my 100 Ton USCG Masters training and passed the exam with flying colors!  You can almost really call me captain now, I just need the coast guard to finish the paper work.  It was a fun class and it really helped that I had already gone over a lot of the material over the past few years, thanks Dad!  Some of the group went out for drinks afterward and it was good fun to finally relax while being back in Chicago.

As I sat in the airport today I was amazed at the items that people carry on with them now.  Why don't they just get rid of "checked luggage" all together?  People obviously are willing to do whatever they can to avoid paying these baggage fees.  One guy walked by with bags hanging off of his arms and I thought to myself, I wonder if he had to purchase a separate seat just for his bags.  It is ridiculous.  Everyone was busy on their phones or laptops, lost in their own world when a persons voice comes over the loudspeaker and puts them in to panic mode.  "We would like to begin boarding flight 1099 with non-stop service to Atlanta at this time."  And like someone pulled a fire alarm everyone shuts their laptops, hangs up the phone without saying goodbye and runs to be the first ones on the airplane.  I sit back in my chair, take another sip of my delicious chocolate shake that I purchased for $4 at the airport McDonalds, and laugh to myself.  These people are really crazy.  Travel never bothered me, and showing up to the airport today an hour and a half before my flight was way too early.
The flight went fine, as they usually do, and we broke through the clouds on our decent and I could make out the channel entrance to Tampa Bay.  Not too long ago I brought Sound Waves through those same waters I was now looking at from a comfy 15,000 ft.

Upon opening the door at the marina the cab driver retrieved my bags and salt water was on the nose, as a warm puff of Florida air greeted my face.  A slight fish odor presented itself as the wind carried the scent on its way to the nearest hungry sea gull.  The band had already started up at the restaurant and the valet runners were waiting eagerly in their red shirts ready for the weekend rush.  The sun was just setting and everything seemed just right.  Once back on the boat I found the owner just finishing up a shower and we got right down to business.  Before I could take the time to remove my shoes and find my flip flops my list of things had swelled to beyond a page.  It's time to get back to work, and after 10 days of school eight hours a day, my "vacation" was less than relaxing.  It was good to see friends back home and I look forward to a very productive day tomorrow.

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 36 - 38: Back to the Cold


Well the owner decided he didn't want to be in Florida anymore so we brought the boat back to Chicago.... only kidding.  The reason I am back is because over the next 10 days I will be in a class 8 hours a day and will be completing my testing to obtain my 100 Ton Master United States Coast Guard Captains License.  I am pretty excited considering I have been wanting to obtain this credential for awhile now.  The flight back from Sarasota went well and it was kind of crazy when we flew directly over the mouth of the Cal-Sag river, which I had entered about a month earlier with the boat.  Two and a half weeks it took me to get from Chicago to Sarasota once I went in to the river that I was now flying over.  It only took two and a half hours this time...crazy.  It was cool though to look down and see Hammond harbor, the entrance to the Cal-Sag and the Chicago Skyway, one of the first bridges we went under.  How it seems like so long ago.

The first day of class today went well.  I scored the highest in my class on our 30 question "rules of the road" test that we will be taking at the start of each day.  I was pretty proud of myself for that.  I don't think I have ever been at the top of my class for anything.  There was always some nerd that aced everything.  Does this mean I'm a nerd now, because I scored the highest?  I'll make sure to do worse on tomorrows test.  I'm pretty excited for the class itself and my study book is opened to the navigational lights and day shapes and is sitting just behind the computer waiting for the completion of this blog entry.

Sound Waves Out

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 33- 35: Rain!


It has been a slow but productive last couple of days.  And while I will be flying back to Chicago on Saturday to complete my 100 Ton USCG licensing the work will not stop on board.  We will have mechanics visiting to fix our water maker.  Someone is coming to take the jet boat so we can have a custom made tower with speakers and lights installed.  We are also putting in a gps system on the dingy.  So a lot is going to get accomplished while I'm gone.  Today was the first bad day of weather I have had since I left Chicago.  I took the owner to the airport and the skies above were black.  It finally started to rain on my way home and before I could get to the marina the roads were already starting to flood.  Now, an hour or so later, the rain has stopped but the sky is still a dark and gloomy gray, with no signs of another perfect Florida day in sight.  I guess I'll be working inside today.

Sound Waves Out

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 30-32: Happy Halloween!


To think, a year ago I was in Ft. Lauderdale, FL prepping a 34' sailboat to sail the seas.  I spent my Halloween in the yard at Lauderdale Marine Center...joy.  This year I got creative, real creative, and put my captains uniform on for a costume.  The owner asked that I join him at a Halloween party that his friend was throwing.  I ended up having an alright time considering I didn't know anyone and they were all 20-30 years older than me.  Yesterday the owner and I took a long dingy ride to a restaurant called Phillippi Creek.  It was a cool "island place", with tons of random, but authentic, crap on the walls.  Island music playing, open air, palm trees, all old wood for the bar, the floor, etc... I think you can picture it.  The problem was that it was very shallow at the docks and right as we were coming in we sucked something up in to the impeller.  We thought that we cleared it and went inside not thinking twice.  We sat there for hours ordering oysters, sitting for awhile, then ordering stone crab, sitting some more, before splitting a burger and calling it a day.  Upon returning to the dingy we found that whatever we sucked up was still there.  We limped over to a nearby marina, tied it up for the night and started walking to get a cab.  This nice couple, Carlos and Amanda, picked us up in their awesome car.  It was an old Scout Truck, and boy was it cool.  They took us back to the marina and came over for a drink.  Well they ended up staying for a few more than one drink and it was really cool to meet such nice people.  That's what boating is all about.

I woke up this morning, hopped in a cab back to the marina where we left the dingy, had them haul it out, pulled out an old plastic bottle, put the boat back in the water and drove it back to the big boat.  I kept my focus on the dingy and being that it has never been serviced I changed the plugs and the oil.  As soon as it comes out of the water I am going to rig up a salt water flush system, change the coolant, and apply an anti-corrosive lubricant to the drive shaft to protect it.  The owner wants to take me to Captain Kurt's tonight were there is this amazing Beatles cover band playing, but I am so tired I may pass him up on the offer.

Sound Waves Out