Monday, February 14, 2011

132 - 135: Lonely


I forgot to post there for a couple of days.  Nothing to exciting is happening anyways.  A cold front passed through this weekend and hopefully it is the last one of the year.  We got the after coolers put back on and we are ordering one fuel line then should be ready for sea trial.  That was really the only big thing that happened this weekend on board.  I've been working on a lot of smaller things but I am waiting on the big things as long as I can up until the owners return.  Those things being, washing the boat, cleaning the carpet and the rest of the inside.  The longer I wait the cleaner everything will be upon his arrival.  It doesn't take long for the outside to start to look dirty again.

The days are really starting to drag out and I catch myself pacing back and forth here and there.  I go all day without interacting with a single person, except maybe a phone call or two.  I went out a couple of times and while it is cool to meet and talk to people I never would talk to if I was with a group of friends, it really gets old after awhile.  I will say that it was fun to run in to the crew of Libra III as well as a captain who is currently doing his coursework for his 3,000 Ton license.  It's always interesting to talk to those kinds of people.

Right now the date is set for February 24th to finally leave Ft. lauderdale, which will put us at the docks for just over a month.  Who knows if February 24th will even happen.

Time to get the week started, wheres my to-do list?

Sound Waves Out

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