Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 147: Bimini Island


Finally we did it.  I woke up at 0630 this morning and finished some last minute tasks.  Everyone else was up around 0730 and we fired the engines.  I checked the weather one last time and it looked perfect.  We tossed the lines pulled back from the dock and headed for the ocean.  It was only 0800 and the sun was already hot on the face.  There wasn't a hint of wind in the air as we idled our way towards an open horizon.  I couldn't believe we finally made it to this day.  It has been a month in Ft. Lauderdale of nothing but work.  We completed so many tasks, as my last blog posts indicate, and the owner said the boat is in the best shape it has been in for awhile now.

We cleared Port Everglades and the water was glass calm.  We left a trail of foam on the water as our prop wash said goodbye to the United States.  Next stop, Bahamas.  The day went perfectly.  We tried our hand at fishing but had no luck.

A year and a half ago I pulled in to Bimini Island in a 34' sailboat, just starting the adventure of a lifetime.  The water was so clear it put a swimming pool to shame.  The greens and the blues reflecting from the shallows hurt your eyes they were so bright.   This time around???  Well Besides the awesome part of being on a 74' luxury motor yacht it was just as stunning.  The gulf stream came to an end.  Land presented itself on the horizon and the depth of water went from 1,500 to 100 feet in less than a football field.  Bimini Island is less than a half mile wide and only about four miles long but it is absolute paradise.  Sergeant Majors swarmed the boat as we tossed bits of Bimini Bread over board.  I put the hammock out and took a little cat nap as the guests took a stroll around the island on the scooters.  The rest of the day was spent lounging around up at the Bimini Big Game Marina bar.
I wonder.....holy shit this is awesome....I'm not wondering anything!!!!

I will get pictures up when I can!

Sound Waves Out

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