Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 127: Quit Playin' with your Dinghy!


It was a sleep in day, and boy did it feel good.  I talked to a few workers today, and then planned to have a little fun.  Jessie and I hopped in the dinghy and just drove around for awhile.  We went up the New River a little bit, then around Pier 66 under a very low bridge, in to Lake Sylvia, up the ICW to Shooters and then back to Coconuts for lunch...which is walking distance from the marina.  While we were on the New River we saw a manatee and tons of jelly fish!
The turbo chargers are back on the engines and the painter finished up today.  We had him touching up some spots around the boat.  The pilot house doors are back on and all I need to do is get the hardware on them.

The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging up on the fly bridge.  The wind slapped at the flag on the radar arch as the sun dipped in and out behind clouds.  The air had a slight chill to it with the wind but the sun made everything alright as we drifted in and out of an awesome afternoon nap.  The boat is making progress and I am seeing a little bit of Lauderdale at the same time, which is great.  I am looking forward to a good week of work as we finally prepare to get to the Bahamas...we are almost there!

Off to Quarterdeck for dinner!

Sound Waves Out

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