Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 129: Still here


Well I got a call today and due to some circumstances back home, it isn't looking like we will be leaving Ft. Lauderdale until late February.  It's looking like we may never get there.  One thing is for sure, I won't be doing the east coast next spring.  My number one priority is with the Bonita which is in winter storage back in Grand Haven.  As soon as the owner wants that boat out of the barn and in Chicago I will be gone.  With such a late departure to the Bahamas it is looking like Sound Waves will most likely be staying in the Bahamas through April.  Being that Bonita came out of the barn in early May last year....I will not be completing the Great Circle this year in my life.

Anyways I really shouldn't be writing right turned out to be a real crap day and I'm not in the best of moods.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get a lot more done and get this boat ready to leave.  With two more weeks of sitting in Ft. Lauderdale ahead of me, I have plenty of time!

Pizza is done, beer is cold and some good tunes just came on.  Good night to go out?
See Ya!

Sound Waves Out!

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