Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 130 & 131: Slow Progress


I am starting to get Sarasota syndrome in that we have now been sitting in Ft. Lauderdale for an extended amount of time.  On top of that I am now alone on the boat, which slows down each day even more.  Yesterday I did a re-group and got all of my thoughts together to finish each project and get ready to maybe leave here someday.  I also re-built all of the racor filters on board, which was a diesel mess.  I can now say that I know racor filters inside and out.

Today I wanted to focus on the inside of the boat a little bit.  Some clutter has been developing with ongoing projects as well as the continuing spontaneous purchasing of materials and supplies and it was time to take a step back and organize.  I also wanted to clean the entire inside of the boat.  I started by refolding every shower and beach towel on board.  After sitting in cabinets for who knows how long and getting moved around here and there they were all ready to be refolded.  I redistributed all of the towels to their proper heads and put the beach towels in a convenient location to grab just before heading to the beach.  I cleaned out the entire salon before Jeremy, one of our workers, showed up.   The project with installing new hardware on the pilot house doors is still open despite two other machine shops turning us down in other ports.  We finally found a machine shop that would do it, but the work is far from over.  Jeremy and I determined what still needed to be done and a few more parts still need to be made.  It is going to be a close call, and everything has to come out perfect so hopefully this all works out and we can finally close this project for good.  What it comes down to is that the hardware is not made for these doors and by forcing it to work we have encountered a lot of road blocks.  It has been an awful lot of time and money for a set of new door handles.

Like I said, being that the owner may not be returning until late February, I have had to completely change my schedule.  I originally planned to have the boat ready to go this week but now I need to slow everything down.  While I am still staying busy during the day everything is much more relaxed, and I have actually been able to get a lot more things accomplished.

Tomorrow is just another day.

Sound Waves Out.

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