Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 128: Super Bowl?


Today started out cloudy and it was a bit sad as it was Jessie's last day here.  We went to the beach anyway.  I knew that there was a cold front pushing in to Florida today but it looked as though it may stall and get pushed back to the north.  It was cloudy and even tried to rain a little bit.  The dark clouds were moving towards the southeast and getting worse.  Sure enough though everything kind of stopped right over the top of us and reversed.  The clouds moved back to the northwest and soon enough there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.  I kind of like this weather stuff!!!  It was a very relaxing day and as the tide went out the access to the sand bar just off the beach presented itself again.  A large group next to us was very interesting to watch and poor little Eddie got stung by a jelly fish three times!!!  He must have been 8 years old at best, but he was a tough little guy.
We went in the water a little bit and even spotted a huge sting ray about 50 yards further out in the deeper water.  The water was crystal clear and so was the sky.

It turned out to be an awesome day.  I took Jessie to the airport and returned to get the boat turned around.  (Cleaning).  The super bowl was on tonight but due to a lot of reasons we can't get it on the boat.  I was too lazy to go find a bar to watch the game and instead just watched a few movies.

I am so motivated to get right to work tomorrow and finish all of the projects that are left on board.  The Bahamas are on the menu I just need to finish everything up here!

Sound Waves Out.

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