Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 143 - 146: This is it


Holy cow I didn't even have time to blog all week.  My work log is topping 70 hours for this week and the boat is finally in tip top shape.  The owner is on the boat with his brother as well as his son and we are on schedule to pull away from the dock at 0800 tomorrow morning and finally head for the Bahamas.

Lets take a look back at this weeks projects:
Re-build aftercoolers
Replace check valves and test fuel issue
Sea-trial the boat
Finish installation on pilot house door hardware
Clean air conditioning strainers
Fabricate tv cover as well as runner for fly bridge deck
Get the bottom cleaned and zincs changed
Organize all freezers and fridges in galley, on aft deck and on fly bridge
Fix all camera systems on board
Fix all step lights and replace burnt out bulbs
Organize the hundreds of items that were ordered over the past week
Wet sand paint spots and replace covers from painter
Clean all canvas on the boat, dockside
Fill propane tanks for flybridge grill
Hardwire ships computer to router
Replace all lights in salon to same wattage
Fix cold water knob in the master bedroom
Fix the day head
Rent a carpet cleaner and clean all carpets on board.  Pre-soak, wash, rinse, water rinse, apply scotch guard
Clean entire inside of boat and all heads
Clean and/or replace all air filters on board
Clean all shower sumps
Power wash and acid wash bottom of dinghy
Wash and lift dinghy
Wash entire boat
Polish all stainless
RainX all windows
Wax aft deck fiberglass
Clean oil spill pan for hydraulic davit pump
Wash, polish, wax and lift scooters

Being that I don't feel like giving a detailed description of the above project list, I thought I would just spit it back out on to paper.  The owner and his friends just left for dinner, the divers just finished up changing the zincs, and I am absolutely exhausted.  I am going to sleep like a baby tonight, but with a 0600 alarm in order to get everything else squared away that the owner wants to get squared away before we leave, my nap won't last long.  Exhausted.  With promises of fun times and relaxation on the horizon I think everyone forgets that this is my job and I'm not on vacation.  Anything that needs to get done on this boat will most likely go through me...I guess I will hope for relaxation though.

We plan to do some fishing in the stream tomorrow and possibly either stop in Bimini or go all the way to Chub Cay, depending on how long we fish for.  With no real bait I am not too hopeful on our chances to catch anything but we will see what happens.  I would imagine we will be in the Exumas within the next few days.

This little boy is going to bed..
Bahamas Bound....finally

Sound Waves Out

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