Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 137: Chill Pill


The weather this morning was beautiful.  Not a cloud in the sky, hardly any wind and a fresh temperature of around 75.  I made some phone calls and went straight to the engine room to work more on our fuel pickup problem.  The racors were not completely full but still only about an inch low, which was O.K. in my mind.  I assumed that because of all the work we have been doing on the fuel lines there may have been some settling going on.  I installed a hand pump on the housing for the secondary fuel filters in hopes that it would help prime the electric pump.  It did, but the electric pump is still only providing about 8 psi of vacuum, as opposed to the 15 that I was looking for.  I am still going to wait until we start the engines and run them, but I am beginning to worry that air is being introduced in to the system somewhere and causing the pump to loose its power.
Unfortunately with a back order of parts we won't be ready for sea trial until Monday.

I think it is time to start cleaning this boat up, as my big projects are coming to an end.
Wash the outside, clean the inside, clean the carpets, huge provision, leave for Bahamas!  The target date is now February 25.

Sound Waves Out

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