Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 125: Bring on the Heat!!!! FINALLY


Last night was a fun time.  The owner and I went out to a sushi place called "Sushi Rock".  As I walked in I didn't know if I was in a club or a restaurant.  They were playing some good music though as we sat down right at the bar.  We ordered three rolls, one which was very spicy, and went through some wine.

This morning I was staring at the ceiling at 0730 so I got up and got some things around.  Next thing I knew the entire boat was torn apart.  It happened out of no where.  Here I am checking e-mails and doing my daily facebook rounds then bam! going crazy.
We put the aft laz back together and got rid of a lot of crap back there.  It looks a lot better now that is for sure.  The mats needed to be cleaned and I am glad that I caught that.  Jeremy, who has started to become our first mate, showed up and got to work on his list of things to do around the boat.  We ripped the aft deck door off again and I hit the track with a dremel.  I was sweating like crazy.  It must have hit at least 83 today.  I was loving it.  I'll never complain about the heat.

I did some other small stuff and then went after the engines.  We pulled the after coolers off and half of the engine is off to the machine shop for inspection blue printing and cleaning.  Hopefully the engine runs like a charm when this is all said and done.

The owner went shopping for groceries and other supplies and upon his return I saw a lot of things that we already had a lot of.  He left shortly after for the airport as he is flying home to Chicago for a week or so.  I decided that this guessing game of what we have needs to end.  I emptied out every cupboard and the pantry and lined everything up alphabetically.  I whipped up an excel spreadsheet and inventoried everything.  6 bottles of BBQ sauce is quite enough, and we have pancake mix to feed the entire population of the Bahamas.  Hopefully my list will help us make our final provision in an efficient matter.

As I type I am tracking Jessie's flight in to Charlotte from O'hare.  They left 42 minutes late and she only has an hour layover in Charlotte.  I would say that there is no chance for her to catch the connection in to Lauderdale at this point but the two gates are right next to each other, arriving at C9 and departing from C10.  Hopefully those gate assignments stand and she can get off one plane and onto another and be gone just like that.  (The ideal flight connection in my mind!).  It is kind of creepy though that I can track this flight live.  I know its bearing, its speed, its lat and long, and its distance from each airport.  If I was good with missiles couldn't I do some math and take that sucker out?  Kind of scary in my mind...

Here are some pictures of the days activities:

The Compression Housing of the turbo charger on the airsep side.

The compression housing on the left and the hot housing/compression housing on the right

The after cooler on the port engine coming out.  All fuel lines to injectors are removed.

No more after cooler

Pipes and buckets full of coolant (hopfully/probaby will be going back in the engines)

My provision inventory rage.  Everything lined up and getting recorded.  Think we have enough crackers?  Check out the four boxes of pancake mix on the bottom right.

Now considered the breakfast cabinet.  Not the cereal, some crackers, a random box of tea bags and maybe a stray bag of popcorn cabinet.

Sound Waves Out

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