Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 100 & 101: Crazy Work


For the first time in awhile I woke up on Sunday and had to construct a normal to-do list.  The past week has simply been get up, go to the aft laz, crawl in to the rudder room, and work on the under water lights all day.  Now that the project was finished it was time to establish a normal schedule again.  It was a long day but I got a lot accomplished.

Today I woke up and my main goal was to clean the inside of the boat.  I wanted to try and stay focused on that and finish it start to finish.  Who am I kidding.  I don't think I've completed one project on this boat from start to finish without getting interrupted in to another project.  The three berths in the bow are done and the pilot house is clean...thats as far as I got before I was asked to shift gears.  I went down to the engine room to install a new fuel lift pump for the starboard engine.  It was a pretty simple procedure but didn't seem to fix the problem of our secondary fuel filters draining after a few days.  I tracked down some fuel residue near the filters themselves and I believe that the selector valve for the racors may have developed a leak and it is effecting suction.  The engines ran fine today however but hopefully I can get this problem fixed.  I also finally snapped and cleaned out the entire engine room tool drawers and work bench.  There has always been a lot of clutter and it has been hard to keep it organized.  Well, that all ended today and it is perfect down there.  No more miscellaneous screws hiding in the back corner of the drawer.  No more rolling around the tangled mess of screw drivers to get the drawer to shut.  Nope, its all clean down there now...super clean :-)

I made myself a spaghetti dinner and sat down and enjoyed the BCS College National Championship game.  I found myself cheering for Oregon towards the end of the game, but when I don't care about either team I usually pull for a come back for the under dogs.  It makes the game more fun!  I have a lot to do tomorrow and my mind is racing.  I generate enough tasks in my head alone, it never helps the to-do list when the owners mind is racing just as fast as mine.  Hopefully between these two crazy minds we can get this boat just where we want it before crossing the gulf stream to the Bahamas.  We plan to leave Key West on Wednesday but an approaching front may make things interesting.  Due to the weather north of here the owners girlfriend could not fly out today as planned.  She will not be able to fly out until Wednesday now.  We also are being forced to leave Wednesday and there are no slips anywhere else in Key West.  So all in all I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.  It is going to be flat calm Tuesday and would make for a perfect ride to Marathon, but we can't go because the owners girlfriend can't get a flight out until Wednesday.  We can't wait the 20 knot winds out because they are kicking us out of the marina and all of Key West is full.  I would hope for a cancellation due to weather at the marina, but it is a sailboat race that is coming in, and they love it when it blows.  They will be here quicker if anything.

All in all I am going to keep a close eye on the weather.  The front is there however, and it is coming....Now what?

Here are some project pictures:

Old fuel lift pump in white and new fuel lift pump in the grips in blue

I believe I am adjusting a set screw here?

New pump on the motor with a fuel bi pass for when the engine is on and generating its own fuel pressure

Clean Drawers!

Sound Waves Out

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