Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 115: Bring on the Day Work


I got up at 0730.  It was tough to get up but after a few cups of coffee I was ready to go.  I talked to a lot of people late last week with the motivation to get a lot of work done.  The owner doesn't want to leave Lauderdale until this boat is perfect.  Well, being that it is a boat there is not a chance in hell that "perfect" is ever going to happen, but we are hoping to get some projects done anyway.  I had about five or six people lined up to be on board sometime this week.  I decided to draft up individual project management folders for each individual day worker as well as a general Lauderdale project management folder for the big picture.  I've always kept time logs for day workers but I upped the ante and made a huge excel file for each worker.  I was ready for the storm.

About 0830 our diesel guy showed up.  He just wanted to stop by and talk about our projects before going out on sea trial with another vessel.  We have always had a lot of smoke with this boat, at all speeds, and we are currently having problems with our starboard fuel pick up.  After discussion in the engine room we decided that it would be best to re build the turbo chargers and decrease the tolerances.  We are going to remove them and bore them out and then insert a sleeve.  This will hopefully clean up our soot problem as well as increase our fuel efficiency.  We are also going to rebuild the starboard racor housing.  We suspect that the flow check valve in the separation stage may be stuck in the up position which is allowing the fuel to drain when not underway.  Our new fuel lift pump that I installed is also struggling to keep a prime.  I don't think that the old one was bad, and I don't think that the old one before that was bad but I was told to switch them out so I did.  Now we are clearly having problems with it.  If it ain't broke don't fix it ...right?

We also had audio visual guys on board as well as some "do it all" guys.  We are replacing the amplifier in the salon and replacing all of the speakers with bose speakers.  All of the doors are off their track right now as we are replacing the roller bearings and installing new hardware on the pilot house wing doors.  We still need approval from the machine shop to install the new hardware, but if we are going to get it done anywhere we will be getting it done here.

...P.S. I need a vacation....

Sound Waves Out

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