Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 102: Crazy Weather!


I woke up this morning and got right to work.  My goal was to finish cleaning the inside of the boat before the owner woke up.  No distractions...perfect.  A few other small projects were on the agenda, and for the most part it was another day at the office.  We did catch a break.  The dock master called and asked if I was still planning on leaving tomorrow.  I told him that these were our plans but we were a little worried about the weather.  He told me he would call me back.  An hour later my phone rang and the dock master let me know that we could stay for another week and a half if we wished to.  Being that there was an approaching cold front and some strong winds I decided that it would be better if we waited for the weather.

The owner and his girlfriend went out for a dinghy ride and I advised them to keep a weather eye to the north.  After reviewing the weather systems on three different websites I was waiting for the cold front to hit sometime in the mid afternoon.  I was up on the fly bridge working on some things when I spotted what looked like a cloud bank on the northern horizon.  An hour later the cloud bank had worked its way right up to the marina.  The temperature dropped from 85 to 70 in a matter of a few minutes and the wind started to pick up...out of the northeast of course.  The cloud bank that I was watching wasn't just a cloud bank, it was a fog bank.  The fog rolled in hard, which is very rare here so I've heard (we have had fog twice now).  Now after a great dinner at the A&B Lobster house the wind is picking up more and more and the fog is still here.  The owner was glad that I kept an eye on the weather and it was good to watch the forecast and the radar maps and be spot on.  Of course weather forecasting is pretty accurate 12 hours out.

We are going to sit tight until the weather breaks, and I am actually excited because Key West race week is starting to show up to town.  I heard it gets pretty crazy.

Sound Waves Out

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