Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 104: Surprise Guests


Another day.  I am not sure if it even got in to the 60's today.  That cold front that came through was a mean one and it is still blowing and is going to continue to blow above 15 knots until next week.  Today was just another day on the boat and it was little projects here and there.
The owner got a phone call and had some old friends that wanted to drive in and visit for a couple of days. The boat was ready for guests but I did one last walk around.

All of the sailboats from the Ft. Lauderdale to Key West race are in and more sailboats are coming in for Key West Race week which starts on Monday.  The guys next to us were hanging out last night playing guitar and carrying know the usual.  I snuck on board and hung out with them for the night.  What a crazy night.  The guy from New Zealand, whose name is slipping my memory, never stopped playing guitar and was ....wasted.  haha.  I'm writing this blog on Friday morning, and as I look over he is out washing the deck and drinking a beer (1100).  Good times though meeting new people, and even better to sit my butt down in a sailboat again.  I am keeping my ears open to maybe get on a boat or two for the races next week.

Sound Waves Out

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