Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 105: Why is it so cold?!


I slept in a little bit today...opps.  I got up and made some coffee for our guests on board and started the day just like any other.  It was a bit of a slow start though.  The owner and his guests went out for a dingy ride and I did some tasks here and there.  I organized a cabinet by the engine room, cleaned out my closet and re-organized everything and did some laundry.  Before I knew it the sun was getting low in the sky.  Racing boats were out testing their sails and their rigs, practicing up for the big race week next week.  There is still a good breeze, but not like the past few days.  It was a decent day today but still colder.

I grabbed my guitar and went up to the bow to play some songs.  I've been trying to get back in to it and use my free time to play here and there.  The biggest thing is committing to one song and memorizing it before I move on to the next.  The guys on Jasmine, the sailboat next to us, came out on the bow with their guitar and we played boat to boat for awhile.  It was a lot of fun and more of that may be on the agenda for later tonight after they get back from their race awards ceremony.

I have a business call tonight with one of the guru's from Raymarine and I am very excited about that.  I have been working on a few ideas for the marine industry and tracked him down online.  He is the most positive guy in the world and I am so excited to speak with him more about my project.  The project and the ideas are being kept to myself and those who have signed a confidentiality agreement with me however so I am not going to go in to much detail on my blogs.  Maybe down the road if/when we get a patent?!  I am very excited and have a lot of motivation to keep this project moving, despite my very busy schedule.

Sound Waves Out

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