Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 99: Underwater Lights


I woke up this morning at 0715 feeling much better.  I was in bed for 12 hours last night and probably slept for about 8.  I needed the down time.  I immediately went to the aft laz and started pulling stuff out so we could get access to the rudder room.  The electrician got here at around 0800 and we got right to work.  We ran conduit and new wires for four of the ten underwater lights.  We separated the grounds for each one.  Being that we got noise on the speakers up on the fly bridge with three underwater lights connected before, we knew that if we hooked up four the new way that we would get a good indication.  After a few hours we were ready to test.  Neither Jason, the electrician, nor myself wanted to flip the switch.  This was our last hope.  If this didn't work it was over, and we had nothing else to try.  We flipped the switch and the music upstairs kept playing uninterrupted, the trim tab lights didn't dance on the indicator board.  We couldn't believe it.  We ran to the back of the boat and sure enough all four underwater lights were on.  This seemed to work!  We tried not to get to excited knowing we still have to hook up six more.  We went back to the hardware store and picked up the necessary material.  Now as I right to you at 1900 I am absolutely filthy and ready for a good hot shower as I was cramped in the smallest spaces on the boat.  I will post some pictures tomorrow.  We have run all of the conduit for all 10 lights and now we just need to run wire for 6 more lights and establish a ground connection.  If this works this will be one of my top projects...right up there with the bow thruster.

I heard from a little birdie that Jimmy Buffet was in town.  I may go wander around and see if I can't get the inside scoop on places he may be.  It would be pretty cool to run in to him in Key West.  First on tonights list however is a shower, dinner, and then ...well I just might not make it past that.

The town is alive yet again as it is Friday night in Key West.  There is a dock party going on about six slips away and every now and then a group would walk past, drinks in hand, as I was cutting conduit, filthy dirty.  The man leading the tour claimed he knew everyone on the dock, and even went as far as making something up for Sound Waves as he and his tour guests walked by.  I thought about setting the record straight with him but I didn't want to embarrass him while he was showing off to friends.  I got a good kick out of it though.  Key West has been fun but I am tired.  Between New Years Eve and 12 hour days in the sun and a good couple days of being sick, I need a vacation :-)

Sound Waves Out

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