Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 113 & 114: ICW


Dinner was good on Friday with Bruce.  We checked out some of town and I finally made it to Waxy's, the famous yacht crew bar here in Lauderdale.  It was an early night but the quick tour around Lauderdale was great, I've always wanted to see more of Lauderdale.

Saturday was really nasty and it was a bit cold.  The owner and I went to West Marine to pick up some random items and we moved the boat later in the day to wash to port hull side.  The boat was in the best condition it has been in since we left Chicago.  The owners friends who we saw in Key West came back for more and they showed up sometime in the afternoon.  We all went to dinner at 15th Street Fishery on the west side of the 17th street bridge.  It was alright, but I wasn't wild about it.  We went to Los Olas and Riverfront to check out some of the nightly activities.  It was crazy.  It was like spring break.  One bar after another, and people everywhere.

Today has been somewhat lazy and I even got to sleep in!  We took the boat up the Intercoastal waterway to catch the Chicago Bears game at a bar called Shooters.  Its too bad the bears lost!  We are still sitting just outside of Shooters but will be heading back to Bahia Mar sometime soon.  I am excited to bring people on board tomorrow to hopefully get a lot of work done.

Sound Waves Out

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