Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 110: Bye Bye Key West


Well we were supposed to stay in Key West for a few days over New Years Eve and it turned in to three weeks.  We really had a great time and while I was ready to leave I was glad we stayed for more than a few days.  We left the dock today at around noon.  With only a 40 nautical mile run we knew that we didn't have to hurry out of Key West.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky it was nearly 80 degrees and there was no wind.  We almost got ran over by the sailboats heading back in from their attempt at a race this morning.  The trip was uneventful.  We came in to Marathon at low tide and it was a little hairy but with a bit of visual piloting and a slow approach we made it to the dock just fine.  We took on fuel and I organized the aft laz.  We caught one of the better sunsets of the trip and went off to dinner.  The owner stumbled in to a restaurant called Castaways last year when he was here and insisted that we go back.  It was really good sushi and that place was really neat.  It is a fishing town and there isn't much here.  We walked down a dark road with lobster cages stacked high on one side and water on the other.  Semi-truck trailers were acting as freezers and the smell of fish was strong on the nose.  It was a humid still night as not an ounce of wind was in the air.  We rounded a trailer freezer and there it was, Castaways.  It turned out to be an awesome place despite its less than prime location.  

Tomorrows plan is OTD at 0800 en route for Ocean Reef, Key Largo Florida.  Another day!

Marathon, FL sunset at Pancho's Fuel Dock

Sunset at Marathon

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