Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 103: WINDDD!!!!


I woke up on today to a very wild gulf of mexico to the north.  The wind was a steady 20-25 knots out of the northeast.  I was glad that the dock master found room for us, as it would be stupid to go out today.  I organized the dvd cabinet and put everything in alphabetical order and typed up a sheet of all of the movies we had on board.  It was my stay quiet because people are still sleeping but stay busy project for the morning.  We took the owners girlfriend back to the airport around 1130.  The whole deal was a mess.  She was supposed to fly out on Monday but was delayed because of all the winter storms north of us in the Atlanta area.  Well when they talked to the guy at the ticket counter on Monday he said that they were all set to go on Wednesday.  Well thank God the owner called and checked before we left, because AirTran had no records of her being on today's flight.  They had to re-book something and it is unfortunate because she will be taking off at 1300 EST, stopping in Orlando then Atlanta (we later found out she got delayed a few more hours in Atlanta), and finally landing in Chicago at 0020 EST.  What a day.  I am not sure when she actually landed.

The owner and I took a cab to the grocery store after our little airport trip so that we could stock the boat up a little bit.  Note to consider, do not take cabs on Key West.  If I remember right it cost a total of $65 to go to the airport the grocery store and then back to the boat.  This all took place on the island and the cab did not wait for us at the grocery store.  I think just for sitting down in the cab was $5-$6.  I just looked at the route on google maps and it was exactly 10 miles.

The rest of the day was pretty low key and other than dealing with the circus of getting the carpet cleaned on the boat the day was pretty much over.  The owner and I went and had a light dinner in town and came back to the boat and called it a night.  I have been watching the Ft. Lauderdale to Key West race online for most of the night and it looks like the 69' mini maxi, Bella Mente, is going to cross the finish line at around 0100 in the morning.  We thought about taking the tender out there to watch her come in, but it is way too rough.  While it will be a very fast race, she is not going to break the monohull record.  Winds have been recorded at 33 knots, and apparently it is cold out there tonight.
You can check out all of the action at:

Sound Waves Out

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