Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 109: Another B-E-A-UTIFUL DAY!


We woke up this morning and it was beautiful outside.  We got the boat ready to go and went out to try our luck at fishing again.  We tried a spot where we saw a lot of charter boats but all we saw were tons of green turtles.  We went back to our spot from yesterday which was about six miles to the west.  Our first pass through our secret line and we got a hit!  Another King Mackerel.  I flipped the boat around and headed for the sweet spot again.  We had three shelves that we were trolling over and no one else was there.  The first shelf went from 120 feet to 59 feet the second back down to 100 feet and the third back up to 30 feet.  We hit something almost every time.  Sure enough FISH ON!!!  FISH ON!!!  Two Mahi Mahi hit both of our lines.  On of the owners guests is knowledgable about fishing and advised us to leave them in the water for a little bit.  Sure enough the whole school of Mahi Mahi came right up to the back of the boat!  It was kind of cool.  We kept the two Mahi.  I got out the filet knife and went right to work.  Meanwhile the owner ducked behind a reef and dropped anchor.  We fired the grill and had the freshest blackened mahi sandwiches you can get.  What a day it was.  The water had a greenish tint to it with shades of dark as the patches of seagrass below reached for the sun.  The wind was calm and bringing a warm southeasterly breeze to the face.  The high today was 77 and it was every bit of that.  Margaritaville played away on the XM radio and we could not have asked for a better lunch.

The boat is washed, the tender is up, the scooters are washed, and we are locked and loaded to departure tomorrow for Ocean Reef.  Probably an 0800-0900 departure.  The forecast?  Flat Calm.

The owner with his King Mackerel.  What an awesome day!!!

Sound Waves Out

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