Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 90 & 91: Miles!


It has been so long since the top of the blog didn't say Sarasota or something stupid like "In the Airplane".  It felt great to leave the docks.  We left Sarasota at 0800 on Wednesday morning with Naples locked in to the charts.  Due to rising fuel prices the owner wanted to take it slow so I kept it at 10 knots the entire way. It took us around 8 hours dock to dock but it was a pleasant ride as seas were calm.  Everything seemed O.K. with the bow thruster which is a great relief.  The owner invited some friends over that he knew lived in Naples.  He invited me to join them for dinner which was very nice of them.  We went to this lobster house right near the marina and it was funny because they were out of lobster...weird.  The party went in to the night but I turned in well before that.  That is about all of Naples that I saw.

On Thursday we woke up and were OTD at 0755, right on time.  Todays destination, Key West, FL.  It was gloomy today, but warmer.  The seas started off about the same as yesterday but on the port beam.  As we pulled away from shore and in to open water the seas built a little.  We decided to speed it up in order to make for a smoother ride.  When we pulled in to Key West there was a buzz.  Most marinas I've been to seem like ghost towns 90% of the time.  As soon as we got in to the channel there were little boats buzzing in front of us, tour sailboats on both beams, a snorkeling boat splitting the difference.  The only thing missing was a giant cruise ship (which is now at the dock as I write this blog on Friday morning).  Once inside the bight the action picked up.  Bars scattered the shoreline and every one had some sort of live music coming out of it.  As we passed boats we picked up different tunes that were coming from each boat.  Everyone was on their boats waiting for the much anticipated happy hour.  The traffic in the marina was worse than the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago during rush hour.  It was great.  Finally a place that is alive!  Shortly after arriving to the dock we launched the tender as well as both scooters.  I gave the bow of the boat a fresh water rinse down and finished a few other chores.  The owner then invited me to go for a dinghy ride with him.  Every corner we went around was packed with sailboats on the hook.  Every anchorage was packed.  Looking back in to the marina looked like a big messy pile of fiberglass as the boats to our port and starboard are only a foot away being that there are no finger piers.  The street performers were in full swing up on shore as we cruised by.  I think I'm in love with this place.
The owner again invited me to join them for dinner at the A&B Lobster House right at the end of the dock.  It was a fine dining place and wow was it good.  I had the seared Yellowfin Tuna, and it was the most amazing dish ever.  After dinner we took a stroll down Duval St., which is where all the action will be on New Years Eve, and I broke off from the group and did my own thing for the rest of the night.  Despite working and hanging out in good ole Saugatuck, MI in my lifetime, last night was the first time ever that someone came right out and asked me straight up:  "So are you gay or what?".  Key West is a very gay friendly community, but that one caught me off guard haha.

This city is alive.  As I walked home last night every bar was blasting some sort of live music.  Bicycle taxi's buzzed around the streets ringing their bells at every person on the sidewalk.  The smell of hot dogs filled the air as street vendors dished out food to the drunks as fast as they could.  Families walked by with young kids in awe as to what was happening on Duval St. in Key West, FL.  I can only imagine what it will be like on New Years Eve as they say they will pack the streets with over 60,000 people.

On one last note:  Happy Birthday Mom!!!  Sorry for waking you up, but I had to wish you a happy birthday before I lost cell service!

Sound Waves Ouy

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 87 - 89: Ready for Departure


After a great Christmas with the family in Grand Rapids I came back to Chicago and flew out on Monday morning at 0700.  I got in to Sarasota at 10:30 in the morning and got right to work.  The owner and his guests would be arriving a few hours later and I needed to get as much done as possible.  I haven't looked back since.  The boat got washed, the water maker finally got flushed, I installed an iPod docking station up on the fly bridge, looked at the stereo and under water lights electrical issue again, unloaded 50 lbs of meat, installed and set up a new 27" iMac computer, entertained guests for the evening, moved the boat, delivered the tender in 2 ft. waves, lifted and washed the tender (barnacles and all), ran some last minute errands to home depot, west marine, and publix, returned the rent a car, annnd set the coffee for tomorrow.
We are finally ready to go.

After logging 25 hours over the last two days I think it is safe to say that I am exhausted.  It kind of feels good though.  Back to crazy mode.  I am sure tonight will come with out like a light sleeping only to hear my 0700 alarm go off far too soon.  Goodnight

Sound Waves Out.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 82 - 86: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!



It was good to see some old friends back in Chicago as well as relax and waste a couple of days away.  Some things changed with the trip departure on the boat (as they always do) and it looks like the owner will now be back on board before me.  I'm heading up to Grand Rapids shortly to see my family and am very excited to hang out with everyone tonight.  The Kleino family got me a new leatherman which is good because my $3 rigging knife that I got well over a year ago from Home Depot is barely able to cut through butter at this point.  Jessie got me a cool pair of Oakley sunglasses which are always much needed in my line of work.  She also got me a cool t-shirt which I need as well, considering I only like about two t-shirts that I own!  While I am looking forward to getting back on the water again and away from the docks it is nice to be home and I look forward to next summer when I will return to Chicago for work.  I am not excited for the weather forecast for the first legs of our trip south.  The high is in the 50's in Florida for our departure from Sarasota to Naples.  Brrr.....

Sound Waves Out

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 80 & 81: The Final Touches

30,000 feet somewhere over the U.S.

Another blog coming from the airplane.  This in flight internet stuff is pretty cool, especially considering it is free over the holidays.  The past two days were spent getting the inside of the boat to look perfect.  Everything is cleaned up and ready to go for guests and our departure from Sarasota.  For now though I am getting flown home to spend time with family and friends over the holidays.  It will be good to see everyone.  It won't last long though as I will be boarding a plane at 7:00 A.M. on December 27th to fly back to Florida.
I am excited that we are going to Key West for New Years Eve.  I've heard it is a pretty fun time.  Yes I will be working, but I'm sure it will be pretty relaxed that night.

As we reach our cruising altitude I look out the window and see a fire in the sky as the sun dips lower and lower.  The Gulf appears to be flat calm as it turns from a bright blue to black.  A three hour layover in Atlanta and a short skip to Chicago and I'll be home for the holidays...

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 78 & 79 Bow Thruster!!!


Finally yesterday it hit 70 degrees around here and it was actually a pleasant day.  I don't really remember most of the day.  I put the old hardware back on the doors in the pilot house because we just aren't going to get to that project and cleaned up a little around the boat.  The boat is pretty much empty right now in terms of provisions.  I want there to be a lot of space so when the owner comes down he can get whatever he wants for the trip.

Today the mechanic showed up first thing in the morning and we got right to work.  I was so hopeful today, I just had a good feeling.  We got everything lined up and made sure that everything was perfect using a dial indicator and feeler gauges.  The pump was lining up only thousandths of an inch off but we wanted it perfect.  We got out the grinder and went to work on our spacers.  By a half a hair at a time we shaved off the spacer, installed it, took measurements, took the spacer off, shaved it down some more, and repeated the process about 15-20 times.  Little by little the pump lined up a little better every time.  Finally we got to a point that we were satisfied with and locked everything down.  I fired the engine and a very detailed visual check showed that everything appeared to be ok.  I went up to the pilot house and engaged the thruster.  It worked!!!!  Finally after about two months of having a starboard hydraulic thruster pump down we are back in business.  I will be watching the pump very closely next time we go out but hopefully it will run strong for many hours to come!

Its amazing if I look back to last May when I took the job taking care of yachts.  I was scared to death.  Sure I grew up around them, sure I was familiar with them, but taking care of one and being in charge of the upkeep?....Oh boy.  I look back and am actually proud of myself.  I couldn't have told you the first thing about a diesel engine, and you know what I still don't know half of it but every time I walk in to that engine room I get a little bit smarter.  Changing primary and secondary fuel filters, oil changes, coolant changes, fixing a very badly broken hydraulic bow thruster pump, and just being able to walk around the engine room and know what to look for and know when its bad or good.  When the boat rattles or shakes now I don't think to myself "Oh no I hope something isn't wrong."  I can usually tell you whats wrong or get you in the ballpark before I even go investigate.  As I write this blog there are things on this boat breaking but as a boat captain you develop this bond.  The boat respects you and you respect the boat.  As the air conditioning cycles through, the generator hiccups, the air compressor kicks on, the AC water pump turns off and even the clicking noise of a transformer behind the wall when I turn a light switch on and off...the bond grows stronger.

The new bow thruster pump on the starboard engine.  From left to right the pump with hydraulic lines moving towards the bottom of the screen (all still healthy and original), the clutch housing which is brand new, the coupler spacer which is not really visible behind the clutch that was fabricated locally, the coupler (white "shaft") that was fabricated in California, and the rubber centaflex coupler to allow flex as the engine floats on its mounts every so slightly as we shift from forward to reverse or speed up, and finally the engine.

Sound Waves Out

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 76 & 77: A Break


I'm still chasing people around and starting to chase my own tail.  It's time to get the boat ready for me to go back to Chicago for Christmas.  I worked on the thruster and finally freed everything up and got the clutch and all parts moving freely again.  A call back from a guy that is helping us out indicated that I would be getting a visit from a mechanic soon.  I feel a little disappointment and the last few days have been very frustrating.  I feel like I haven't been getting anything done and every little project has turned in to a nightmare.  I am ready for change, I'm ready to go back to Chicago, and I'm ready to leave these docks and get on the move again.

Last night some of the guys I have gotten to know invited me to an ugly sweater party and it was good to get off of the boat again and get my mind off of things.  This morning the mechanic showed up...on time...imagine that.  We went through the entire thruster system and he will be back Friday or Saturday to help me finish the job with the proper tools.  It was a relief for me just to hear him and I think I can finally trust someone.

I don't know what to think I guess.  Tomorrow will be a better day

Sound Waves...Out

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 74 & 75: Stressed Out


Yesterday nothing got done.  I installed the new parts on the thruster pump and was prepared to finish the project but the clutch is locked up and I can't line up any of the bolts.  Four calls to ABT mechanics and I'm still waiting for a call back.  One is in Malaysia, two are in the Galapagos Islands, that leaves me one chance for a return call.  The mechanics here are down a man so it has been tough to get help locally.  I did however go watch the Monday night football games with a couple of people I have gotten to know while down here.  It was good to get off of the boat for awhile and go hang out with some people instead of sitting at the marina freezing by myself.

We found a guy that would re-fabricate the side doors in the pilot house and all I needed to do was get them off.  I took some measurements and figured out how to keep the door opening secure with just wood.  I went and bought the plywood and came back ready to complete a simple project.  Drop the slide off the bottom track and pop the door off the track, put the plywood in place, put the base track back on and secure it.  Well a few years ago the boat got painted and the whole frame of the door got painted in to the boat.  Without ripping the entire slide frame off the wall of the boat and probably ruining the paint, the doors weren't coming off.  Another simple task at the surface turned in to be a giant.

The electrician finally showed up today to go over some systems on the boat with me.  The noise that we were getting in the stereo on the fly bridge when we turned on the under water lights had to stop.  We disconnected this, disconnected that, plugged this in, and unplugged that.  We cycled the lights on, turned them off, and back on again.  We messed around in the engine room, under the bill, in the pilot house, and even in the rudder compartment under the aft lazerette.  What did we come up with?....Nothing.  Maybe a bad ballast for one of the underwater lights, but that six hour project is for another day.

So all in thruster, no lights, no stereo, no new doors, no progress.  I like to consider myself a motivated person in the work place.  I called the owner and apologized and I think for the first time since I've known him got a little tense over the phone.  He understood and we took some steps back.  I said I was sorry, I seriously felt bad.  I couldn't complete these projects on time, and the worst part about it is that most of it I feel like is out of my control, which makes it even worse for me.  It is my job to get whatever needs to get done..done, no matter what, and I couldn't do that.

Tomorrow comes with one motivation and one motivation only...bow thruster.  Every part (we hope) that is needed is on the boat and all it is going to take is proper assembly.  I don't plan on leaving the engine room until it is done, and if it takes me all day then so be it...enough with this f-ing project.  Everything tomorrow gets ignored and unless this boat catches fire (please lord I pray this doesn't happen) the only project on tomorrow's list is that damn hydraulic thruster pump

By the way...those doors aren't coming off, that project is closed.

Sound Waves Out.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 72 & 73: Christmas Crazy!!!


I got a lot accomplished on Saturday and now I look forward to Monday where we should be able to take care of a lot more as the mechanic is coming with the new bow thruster part, and the electrician is coming to look at the underwater lights and stereo noise issue.  When we turn on the underwater lights and the stereo on the fly bridge at the same time there is a lot of noise in the speakers.  I figured out that it was because of the battery charger kicking on and essentially maxing out.  I found that there is a lead for the underwater lights that for some reason was hooked up to the same breaker as the battery charger.  Hopefully isolating those leads will be enough to take care of the noise, otherwise we will have to purchase another 5000 SP 50 amp battery charger and hook it up in parallel with the current one.

The big Christmas boat parade was Saturday night and the marina was so busy.  Every slip was full and there was one dock party going on after another.  I was so amazed at how many dogs were simply roaming the docks.  It was quite entertaining to watch all of them throughout the day.  The Christmas boat parade was pretty cool and I had front row seats from the fly bridge.  I will post some pictures.  There were about thirty boats in the parade and anything from a little kayak to a 130' westport were involved.  They even have this floating wedding chapel, that is literally a house on water, and they came by as well.
The marina was crazy after the parade but as always 11:00 P.M. rolled around and was all over.

Today (Sunday) I did some general boat chores, did some laundry, washed my sheets, cleaned the heads, etc...  I feel pretty good about where the boat is right now and am still somewhat hopeful that it may be possible for me to go see my grandparents, at least for a couple of days.

As the sky turns to pitch black we are right in the middle of a passing cold front.  11:00 A.M. the wind started to howl and then it rained.  Now as I sit here in the galley the bimini top on the fly bridge jerks at its brackets, flags whip back and forth even and a catamaran docked across from me reminds me of my time in the Caribbean as its wind turbine slices through the wind.  Halyards beat against mast as the boat heels every now and then with a passing gust of wind.  The next time I go outside will be for a quick line check and that is all.  I look up and see two shadows dart down the dock as two people run to get out of the weather.  Florida hasn't been what I remember.  Ever since Thanksgiving I don't think we have seen a day above 70 degrees.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 71: Missed a couple days


So I just realized that my days were off as I missed a couple of posts here and there.  Anyways I am pretty sure we are now back on track with day 71.
The list is getting a lot shorter and in order to get most of the things done that are still on the list I just have to get people and parts here.  I make tons of phone calls everyday and am trying to push everyone to get things done that I need done.  The bow thruster project is...still open.  Hopefully everything comes together by Monday and we test it, its fine, and we're done.  If that isn't the case I will become very angry.  We may be ripping the doors off in the pilot house to have them fabricated to allow for new locks and handles.  That is also another project I am just waiting on someone for.
The boat is pretty much ready to go otherwise, I mean there are still a lot of things we need to get finished but I am feeling a lot better about everything after today.

Tomorrow there is some huge party at the marina and they already have all of the streets blocked off.  I don't remember what it is called exactly, but there is some huge boat parade and dinner and fun...etc. etc. etc.  It should be interesting, I'm assuming mostly families and old people will be showing up but whatever it still could be a good time.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 66 and 67: Not much happening


I had a great sunday evening.  Things were moving pretty slow I feel like the last couple of days, so I am trying to really focus and crank out the rest of this list.  If I can get all of the big projects completed I will be able to drive to the other side of the state and visit my grandparents before I fly back home for Christmas.  I really hope that I can get enough done so I can go see them, I know it will mean a lot to them.

It's been really cold here and the low tonight is 34.  I know that everyone up north has no sympathy for me but seriously... its cold.  Everyone is walking around in full winter jackets and gloves and hats, its kind of funny.  The heat is on at night and nothing is running during the day.  Sometimes it gets warm enough in the afternoon that I can open up all the doors and let some fresh air in.  Unfortunately the ten day forecast is not showing any break in this cold snap we are having.....bundle up!

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 65: Another day of nothing


I finally threw in the towel.  One light isn't worth two days of my time.  I went to home depot and got some supplies put the light back in the hole, did a final wiring for the switch and started putting panels back in the walls.  It took me well over three hours just to clean up something that isn't even finished yet.  I pulled out the drawings for the entire boat and even those don't make sense.  The places where I have found transformers and fuses aren't marked on the drawings, and where they did mark transformers there are none.  I will see what the owner says when he gets back on board Monday, but for now I need to get all of this clutter out of the way and focus on more important things.

The bow thruster project is going in circles and I think we are going to try and fabricate a spacer to close the gap between the clutch and the coupler.  I usually don't get mad at people when they make a mistake but I am really angry at ABT California.  For some reason the engineers out there thought it was a good idea to make the new coupler 1/8" shorter.  Why and the F^&k would you do something like that, when I send you a part and say duplicate this.  "Duplicate" does not imply "shorten".  I've kept my cool with the guys and I think that they know that they will be paying for about 90% of this project at this point.  I think they are more nervous to loose a customer than the bill.

It was another "chase your tail" day but now that I have this light fixture project in the back of my mind I should be able to focus on other things tomorrow.  It is Saturday, but I just don't know if I'm in the mood to go hang out somewhere.  This life is just too stressful (be careful with your comments here haha).  I should probably stop writing.  As I type more things are breaking on this boat somewhere, like the damn garbage compactor that just made a horrific noise at me............put it on the list!

I am hoping to get back in a mood to write some more descriptive entries, those usually make me feel better but for now I guess I'll have to deal with another boring blog....sorry.

I need to get in touch with the best marine navigation technician in the business. Any contacts would be greatly appreciated. I need to learn these systems inside and out if I am going to take them to the next level.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 64: Slow Progress


I went to check out Captain Curt's last night as I am getting to know some of the workers there.  It is nice to go hang out with people my age! hah.  While I was there last night a huge house fire broke out a block or so away.  I have never seen so many fire trucks, etc...  I will post a picture below.
My main goal today was to get the ABT mechanic on board.  We discussed some of the options, and we are continuing to the next step.  I am going to remove the entire hydraulic mounting plate, send it in and get slot mounts machined which will enable me to slid the entire pump/clutch assembly forward the 1/8" I need to close the gap with the rubber centerflux and coupler.  Hopefully I can get this accomplished tomorrow.  Still no luck on the art light in the settee, I am baffled.  Tomorrow I will tackle that as well.

I ordered all new hardware for the locks and door handles for the doors in the pilot house, and those arrived today as well.  I believe that we are going to have to modify the door to make this work, so another huge project just jumped on the list.

The heat is on right now on board and the forecast doesn't look promising.  I hope this isn't the start to another cold winter.  Otherwise, we will be headed down island more, which won't be all that bad.  I think I am going to throw in the towel for the night and watch a good movie.  By the time that is over it will be a perfect bed time!

You can see the smoke from the fire here

 A bit blurry but the house on fire is to the left of the vehicle in the picture

Sound Waves Out!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 63: SUCCESS!!!!


Finally!  The electrician came on board today, and after testing this and testing that we were both left scratching our heads.  I had to dig deeper.  I called Sam's Marine in Lauderdale that deals with Hatteras boats, Ed gave me Roger's number who is now with Jared Marine.  I called Roger, the old timer Hatteras guru.  Roger had me tearing apart the pantry, pulling pots and pans, and ripping everything out including my hair.  Finally a breakthrough....the hidden transformer.  I swapped out a quick fuse and voila! the master suite lit up like a Christmas tree (tis the season after all).  I ran outside and let out a yelp of excitement.  The transient boaters next to me sat up in their chairs in surprise.  I had interrupted their peaceful cocktail hour.  I couldn't help it, I sent a picture message to the owner and all I wrote in the caption was "YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!".  His reply: "Awesome dude, great work!"

What a day it has been.  I woke up to the phone ringing.  It was A&B Marina in Key West.  With a 35 boat waiting list I pretty much threw in the towel on getting in to Key West for New Years Eve.  I remembered what fellow crew members in the business have taught me though.  Use your resources.  The dock master won't let you in but he will let in his good friends friend who he owes a favor.  I found that friend and while he didn't owe me a single favor, he knew everyone in Key West. Captain Tony Salazar who I met on the docks in Chicago last summer.
"Hello Captain Eric?"
"Yes speaking what can I do for you?"
"Yes sir, this is Mark from A&B Marina in Key West.  I was wondering if you still wanted to spend New Years Eve with us?  I moved some boats around and we would love to have you for as long as you want to stay."
"Yes Sir that would work perfect...the owner will be thrilled with this news"
YAAAYYYY!!!!!  When the dock master fails, its all about who you know, and who they know, and who they know...etc...  In the end the dock master is the one that will get the huge tip for getting us in, and Captain Tony...well I owe ya one bud.  That is the great thing about this business, we are all willing to do a favor for someone just because they are in the business.

Next, I needed to focus on this damn bow thruster issue.  The first ABT (American Bow Thruster) mechanic I called was in Malaysia, the second was in Brazil.  Holy S#!T don't these guys work?  Again, I was starting to give up hope.  The third guy I got a hold of is based out of Lauderdale so I knew bringing him over to Sarasota wasn't practical for this type of work.  I thought I would ask as many questions as I could and learn what I could from him.  Well it just so happened that Justin from Ft. Lauderdale ABT is coming to Marina Jacks tomorrow in Sarasota, FL.  On top of that he will be right on the same dock as me.  It was going to be a good day...finally everything was coming together.  What were the chances?!

On top of all of this today was the day that we were getting kicked out of our slip.  Someone had rented out our slip and we were being forced to move down to the end of the dock, away from the music, away from...everything.  I went in to talk to the dock master and give my final wish.  As I walked in all he said:
"Hey Captain, staying warm?" (Its cold here)
"Yes sir, whats the good word?"
"Well, I don't want to move you sir.  You've been really good with checking with me and haven't tried to avoid me.  Most of the time I'm hunting guys down, so I really appreciate you working with me.  I talked to the boat coming in and I'm just going to keep you guys where you are, I'm putting him at the end."



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 62: Turn on the Heat!


I woke up this morning, walked outside, turned around, walked inside, said a four letter word and put on pants and a sweatshirt.  It was freezing all day today!  Note to people in the north....keep your weather to yourself!!!!
I spent most of the morning taking care of personal things; taxes, Christmas shopping, etc...  Another note to people...don't buy yourself crap right before Christmas, duh. (My Dad has this problem)
I ran around town this afternoon emptying trash at peoples condos because they forgot when they left.  Shipping clothes overnight, and mailing some other things back.  No word from the ABT techs yet (Bow thrusters) and hopefully I will see an electrician tomorrow, if he solves this I'm giving him a medal.  The to-do list is however under a page long, which is the shortest it has been since I got to Sarasota.  "Boat Wash" is one of the things on the list however, which will kill almost an entire day.
I think for now I am going to pop a frozen pizza in the oven, make a batch of popcorn, pop a good movie in and relax.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 61: Electronics


It was quiet this morning.  I had a nice breakfast and got to work.  The bow thruster project continues on and now all that separates us and completion is a 0.25" gap between the new coupler and the clutch.  Apparently the rubber center flux is supposed to be able to flex enough to make up for this quarter of an inch, but it looks like a pretty big gap to me.  I have the ABT mechanics in both California and Florida looking in to it for me and getting back with me tomorrow.  Hopefully we can finish this dang project soon, and if I have to wait for more parts to be manufactured because a coupler was machined wrong than this captain will be angry.

After we got done with our daily dose of bow thruster pump I went right in to some of the electronics projects on the list.  The lights in the master suite are not working and even after a yacht services guy looked at the systems with the owner they could not figure it out.  The other topic for the evening was a "simple" swap of a light switch that broke.

I started swapping out the light switch for the art work on the starboard settee and after I had the whole thing wired up I flipped the switch...nothing.  What the hell.   I tried this, I tried that, I even swapped the new switch with another old switch and made sure the new switch was O.K.  I changed the light bulb and checked every connection visible.  I dug up the transformer and changed the fuse.  S#!T.  Still nothing.   Now as I right this blog I look to the left and the galley is a mess with wires everywhere, switches hanging out of the wall, and bulbs hanging from the ceiling.  The whole settee is torn up so I could get to the transformer.  All to light up a piece of art on the wall.

In the meantime I started digging in to the master suite situation.  The multimeter showed power everywhere, but what the heck.  I swapped some fuses in the transformer relay box just for the hell of it, and proved myself right... it wasn't a fuse.  Well if I am getting power to the wires but no lights, maybe the switch isn't closing the circuit?  I killed most of the power on the boat, found a good switch and swapped it with the possible bad switch...nope.  Ok maybe EVERY bulb blew out.  That thought actually just came to me but what are the odds (I'll probably go change a few lights after this haha).  In some weird "f$*&$ed" up way maybe the two problems, which are completely separate systems on board, are connected to each other.  Thank God my neck is feeling a little bit better, at least I have that going for me.

The question of the night... where is the magical transformer that controls the settee art light and the master suite together but with nothing else on the boat?

Go ahead and reply an answer to me, if you are right you can have next weeks pay check (not really)

Here are some pictures of tonights activities:

The Settee bench, the mess is much worse than the picture can show

Transformer and Relay for Master Suite.  Why is it that everything looks normal?  Shouldn't something be burning or something?  That'd make it easy

Swapping out some switches in the master suite in an attempt to narrow down the mystery.

Why is it that it just doesn't work?  Not a fuse, not a switch, not a bulb, not the socket.....all connections go for go

So the final conclusion to tonights projects?  None.  I just took all of these pictures and as I scratch my head in confusion suddenly my neck begins to hurt again.  I don't think it has anything to do with the pillows this time.  I think stress may be involved.  I have an idea.  I think I'll just re-wire the entire boat..............

Sound Waves Out

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 60: Time alone


The sun hangs on as the last bit of red disappears in the sky.  The night clouds have already began their charge as they take over the night sky.  While the wind tried its best today not a ripple on the water remains as insects sing away in the park across the harbor.  The music up at the restaurant is clear as day as one man plays acoustic guitar for people enjoying a nice dinner on the water.  A few transient boaters are still shuffling around their boats, trying to get a freshwater rinse done as quickly as possible in order to not miss any part of cocktail hour.  Another sits in the pilot house with some red light, maybe plotting tomorrows course or checking the weather.  My skin is salty and sticky as another hot Florida day has earned my shirt the next trip to the washing machine soaked in sweat.  The to-do list is growing smaller and other than a few big projects most of the list consists of smaller "tedious" items.  I'm hoping to finish the bulk of those tedious items tomorrow and loosen up the work load a little bit.  My neck is feeling a little better today so hopefully I can focus more on crawling in to small spaces instead of babying my neck.

I'm trying to get back in to playing guitar, and tonight I threw down three or four verses on paper and put some notes behind them.  It would be nice to get back in to it again, I really miss it.  I just need to find the patience and the time to do so.

Sip back
Kick back
The sun begins to fade
Drink up
Burn up
and end another day
It feels so nice
I'll never be the same
But then what the hell
Why should I change

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 59: Neck


My neck has gotten worse and I had to take some pretty strong pain medication today just to be comfortable.  The owner wouldn't let me do much today and insisted that I take the day off.  I spent most of the day on the couch with a hot pack on my neck.  I felt really stupid that a pillow is what is causing this.  It could be something better like I wrestled a shark or something.  I hope that it feels better tomorrow because as of right now I am in some pretty significant pain while I write this blog.

I sent everyone on there way this afternoon and I don't think there is one family member in Florida anymore.  It was good to have the company and to see everyone, but I now look forward to tearing through this to-do list that has yet to go under one page long.  I will be really disappointed if now that I have the boat to myself my neck slows me down.  The weather still has yet to fully break after the cold front came through late last week.

Time to go lay down and get another hot pack going....

Sound Waves Out

Day 58: Crummy Weather


Sorry for the delayed blog.  It was a warm welcome as I got back in to Sarasota.  We landed in heavy fog and it was kind of eerie.  The humidity was 98% and the windows on the plane fogged over as soon as we started to taxi off of the runway.  The owner and some of the family was at the marina restaurant listening to the band.  It was a productive day even though the weather was bad all day.  I switched out the glen denning switch and soldered on a new one.  I re-adjusted all of the lines to get the boat back in the slip where I want it and then we took off in the dingy to go to Captain Kurt's for lunch.  It also happened to be the day of the Michigan/Ohio State game.  Well it also happened to be that Captain Kurt's is a huge Ohio State bar.  I reluctantly went in.

I hurt my neck sleeping on the pillows at my parents house and it has really been hurting, but despite that we still managed to get a lot done today.  We went out to Pacific Rim (the sushi place) for the owners sons birthday.
The family leaves tomorrow and things will get pretty quiet.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 57: In Flight blogging!


So over the holidays the airlines are offering free internet on board the plane.  I thought that this would be a great time to write in the blog!  So tonights blog comes to you from seat 25D (exit row) on board flight DL1916 en route to Sarasota, FL. 

Todays game was a bummer as Saugatuck lost in the state finals to Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart.  They played hard and Lance scored two touchdowns!  I hope that the whole team can realize what they accomplished this season after some of the pain of a lose at the highest level subsides.  That was the only game I was able to go to this year and, heck, I'm proud of those guys.  Congratulations again Saugatuck.  

The flights have been going smoothly other than about a 45 min delay leaving Atlanta.  Who cares though, if that is the worst that happens to me over the last month of air travel I've been doing I won't complain.  I just can't get over how big of a deal everyone makes this air travel process.  People can't wait to get on the plane, then they can't wait to get off.  It just baffles me.  

I got word that the cold front in Sarasota finally came through, and came through when I thought it would. It is reassuring for me to be able to read the weather systems while the boat is still at the dock, as opposed to testing the weather systems in the middle of the Gulf Stream.  This time of year a cold front can really get you in trouble in the south so it is important for me to be able to read the signs of an approaching cold front before it hits, even if I don't have the internet.  

For now I'm going to sit back and enjoy the flight as the lady in front of me who smells of old cigarettes talks the ear off of the poor passenger sitting next to her.  I mean no one cares that your son lost his college grants because his true father got arrested or ....geez I don't even know she just keeps going on and on.  The beverage cart just went by and about took off my elbow, but that just means that a nice refreshing sprite is on the way, as for some reason that has become my drink of choice while flying.  I just hope that I can stay awake long enough for that beverage as the warm still air and the hum of the engines make my eyes more heavy with each word I type. 

I can almost smell the salt water...again

Sound Waves Out

P.S. I just heard her say something about C-sections and small intestines....gross

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 56: Happy Thanksgiving!


Everything kind of came together at the last second.  Lance and Saugatuck got a state finals bid in the playoffs.  A week before that I promised his mom that if Lance went to state finals that I would be there no matter what it took.  On top of that it was Thanksgiving weekend.  I figured the boss would need me because all of the family was coming in to town and there would be a lot of traffic on the boat.  I had to keep to my promise though.  I presented the idea and he said that I should definitely get to Michigan.  His family would cover for me as crew for the couple of nights.  I booked a flight for a little over $300 and it was set in stone.  I will be here for just over 24 hours and it will be just enough.  Good times with the family and a great home cooked meal for Thanksgiving back at good ole Clarklake and a classic high school football game.  I don't even think I'll loose any of my tan.

I think back to the fall of 2003 when I was sitting where Lance sits tonight.  It was the biggest night of my life.  Nothing else mattered.  It wasn't that I was nervous, I just remember wanting to get out there and play.  Now as he sits in his hotel in Detroit I am sure there won't be much sleep tonight.  I wish them the best of luck.  I sent him a picture of the front page of the newspaper when I won the state finals back in 2003 and told him to play hard and be proud.  Win or lose they need to remember what they did this season and be proud of that.  Back in 2003 when I was winning a state title Saugatuck's program was on some crazy 0-39 streak.  The fact that they have gone from winless seasons like that to a state championship bid is incredible.  I wish them the best of luck tomorrow!!!  Go Indians!

As I sit back in the chair in my parents living room the fire warms the left side of my body as a little bit of smoke escapes the vacuum of the chimney and makes my eyes water a little.  The wood cracks as one log rolls off another as the fire burns on.  Zac Brown band is playing in the background as the after dinner conversation carries on up at the table not too far away.  With the help of a little bit of alcohol the volume of the conversation has gone up a little bit.  The lights are dim and the atmosphere warming.  Dad throws another dish in to the sink and scrubs away as long time family friend Elizabeth dries dish after dish trying to keep pace.  Its a cozy "I'm home again" feeling that I find myself missing suddenly as I write to you.  All of the great things I've seen and all of the awesome things I've done in the past year and I still find that there is nothing quite as good as coming home.  It won't be long before I'm gone again, less than 12 hours actually, but it was just right.  It was a surprise to everyone that I came home, and I'm glad I did.

Happy Turkey

Sound Waves Out

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 55: The whole famn damily


Last night was a fun time as some of the owners family got together and went out for dinner and drinks.  We went to Pacific Rim, which was that awesome sushi place we went to a few weeks ago.  Afterwards we went out to see what was going on and ended up having a pretty good time.  A place called "Gilligans" in the village seemed like it could be a pretty happening place, but it was Tuesday.  This morning was a little slow as I was waiting for the mechanic to come, he didn't show up until afternoon.  We rented a car as a lot of the family flew in today.  We also got the jet boat back with the new tower, the speakers, the bimini, and tower lights.  It looks pretty cool but we aren't sure if we will keep the tower or not.  The mechanic and I got the ice maker back up and running and almost got the bow thruster up and working again, expect we are still short four bolts.  Hopefully I can find those bolts locally and won't have to ship them in from California.  Now the owners entire family is here so it should be pretty busy over the weekend.

Tomorrow morning I fly out very early in the morning to go back to Detroit to watch Saugatuck and Lance Kleino play in the Michigan state finals for football.  I fly back to Florida that evening, so it will be a little more than a 24 hour trip.  I am really excited about the trip, as I will get to see some of my family and have Thanksgiving dinner at home.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 54: Lunch Cruise


Today we went down to the owners condo where his father has a 40' Sea Ray.  The owner and some of the family came down to take the boat to lunch.  We went to a nice place right off of the ICW just south of the condos on Casey Key.  It was a nice day, the sun was out and warm on the face.  It was good to go for another boat ride.  After returning I booked my flight to return to Detroit for the day to go to the Division 8 state final football game.  A few more chores and now the sun is starting to dip lower in the sky.  It is just about to set the palm trees on fire.  The wind has given up for the day and the heat is releasing its grip.  There are just enough clouds in the sky to make a perfect set up for another great sunset.  The transient slips across from us are already starting to fill up as the holiday approaches.

Sound Waves Out

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 53: Filters and Pumps oh my


The owner granted me a day to sleep in and besides waking up at 0800 I took advantage and laid in bed for awhile.  The morning was spent doing research online, ordering some parts, and working on my tax expenses.  The afternoon however was different.  The mechanic showed up, who I have become pretty good friends with, and we got the master suite air conditioning back online.  The trigger system for the water pump went bad and the sequencing was off so the system would not stay on.  We replaced the trigger in the electrical box and everything worked great.  While the mechanic did the dirty work on the trigger I managed to sneak away and change all four secondary fuel filters in the engine room.  They were due, and while you can not do a visual inspection like the primaries, it had been well over 200 hours.  After I got the secondaries changed I noticed the mechanic was still down in the generator room.  I managed to change and clean all of the air intake filters while I waited for him to be done.  After he was done we decided to change out the starboard engine fuel lift pump as we had reason to believe it had a leak in it.  The racors on the starboard side emptied out after about 14 hours.  They would not completely drain though, which indicated that the feed was still feeding...for lack of a better explanation that takes up two pages.  I crawled back in to the deepest corner of the engine room and proceeded to disconnect all four fuel connections, the base screws, and the electrical systems.  The mechanic slapped on some loc tight and handed me the new pump.  Sweating, thirsty and a little bit hungry I did everything all over again, but in reverse.  I stripped new wires, crimped, set, aligned, connected and got the new lift pump in place.  We had to fire the starboard engine to get the pump to prime itself but everything seems to be working.  Hopefully that is the problem and tomorrow I will do an engine room walk around and find the starboard racors full and healthy, if not, tomorrow will not be a good day to talk to me.
The owner took me out for a burger and all in all it was a very productive day.
Tomorrow I will be running the 40' Sea Ray for the owners father as well as the owner with some guests for a lunch cruise.  It should be a relaxing afternoon.

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 52: Boat Ride!


I woke up early today, amazing.  I snuck around the boat trying to be as quiet as possible in order to not wake the owner.  I did some small projects out side and got the boat ready for our party.  The owners father, who I worked for all of last summer was having some friends (20) on board today for a sunset cruise out on the gulf.  We set up to have the event catered by Marina Jacks, and I was getting a temporary stewardess for the day...YES!!!!   The boat was in great shape and ready to go.  Our friends from next door, "Aloan at Last", got back from Harbor Island today and it was great to see their first mate, Keith, again.  We have started to become friends.  The dinner cruise went well and besides the boat being a little crowded it was a fun time.  I didn't have to focus on the guests as much because I had help which was great.  It was great to learn the waters around here and get to know the short cuts.

Once back at the dock, the weekly reggae band, Democracy, was playing up at the restaurant.  The owner took me, his girlfriend, and our temporary stewardess up for some cocktails and appetizers.  The atmosphere was electric.  People of all sizes, colors, ages, etc.... were out on the dance floor as Democracy played from one song right in to the next without stopping.  A very large lady dressed in marley colors was the hit of the night.  She is going to be sore tomorrow, and so am I because I couldn't stop laughing.  Now as I lay in my new bed in the true captains quarters (I was in the VIP suite for the longest time) I look forward to tomorrow.  Today was fun, and while this job forces you to walk a line between absolute vacation and sweat, slave all day work I slowly have figured out my new boss.  We work well together and despite a two page list of things that need to get done he still makes sure I can relax and have some fun when a good days work is done, and for that I am grateful.

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 51: Mechanic, Engineering?


Well lets start with the important things.  I woke up this morning and went for a run...............(pause for disbelief)...........Ok Ok Ok I didn't get as far as I used to be able to but c'mon baby steps right?  I even did some push ups and sit ups when I got done.  And well by God I felt perty darn good!
Next the even more important things, CONGRATULATIONS SAUGATUCK HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AND LANCE KLEINO for your semi-final victory and bid to the Michigan High School State Championship at Ford Field Thanksgiving weekend.  Those are the days I will never forget, so live it up boys!

So lets see now that the important stuff is out of the way I should probably just stop typing right?  Too bad.  After my run I ate a delicious bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, jumped in the shower and before I could get my pants on...wait shorts (back in Florida duh) the mechanic was already here.  Remember the bow thruster problem we had way back in Chicago?  Well the parts finally came in and the owner scheduled a mechanic to come in and put it all back together.  The two of us worked most of the morning in the engine room with the owner right over our shoulders.  What can I say, great bunch, we all wanted to help.  That list that was a mile long that I made last night didn't even get looked at today, well besides the fact that it got longer.  We got the thruster moving in the right direction and the clutch is off to a machine shop for some modifications.  Some guests arrive tonight and even more for the Thanksgiving weekend.  It should be an exciting time, hopefully I can get back to Detroit for Saugatuck's game!!!

Sound Waves Out

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 39 - 50: Captain


Well I finally did it.  I completed my 100 Ton USCG Masters training and passed the exam with flying colors!  You can almost really call me captain now, I just need the coast guard to finish the paper work.  It was a fun class and it really helped that I had already gone over a lot of the material over the past few years, thanks Dad!  Some of the group went out for drinks afterward and it was good fun to finally relax while being back in Chicago.

As I sat in the airport today I was amazed at the items that people carry on with them now.  Why don't they just get rid of "checked luggage" all together?  People obviously are willing to do whatever they can to avoid paying these baggage fees.  One guy walked by with bags hanging off of his arms and I thought to myself, I wonder if he had to purchase a separate seat just for his bags.  It is ridiculous.  Everyone was busy on their phones or laptops, lost in their own world when a persons voice comes over the loudspeaker and puts them in to panic mode.  "We would like to begin boarding flight 1099 with non-stop service to Atlanta at this time."  And like someone pulled a fire alarm everyone shuts their laptops, hangs up the phone without saying goodbye and runs to be the first ones on the airplane.  I sit back in my chair, take another sip of my delicious chocolate shake that I purchased for $4 at the airport McDonalds, and laugh to myself.  These people are really crazy.  Travel never bothered me, and showing up to the airport today an hour and a half before my flight was way too early.
The flight went fine, as they usually do, and we broke through the clouds on our decent and I could make out the channel entrance to Tampa Bay.  Not too long ago I brought Sound Waves through those same waters I was now looking at from a comfy 15,000 ft.

Upon opening the door at the marina the cab driver retrieved my bags and salt water was on the nose, as a warm puff of Florida air greeted my face.  A slight fish odor presented itself as the wind carried the scent on its way to the nearest hungry sea gull.  The band had already started up at the restaurant and the valet runners were waiting eagerly in their red shirts ready for the weekend rush.  The sun was just setting and everything seemed just right.  Once back on the boat I found the owner just finishing up a shower and we got right down to business.  Before I could take the time to remove my shoes and find my flip flops my list of things had swelled to beyond a page.  It's time to get back to work, and after 10 days of school eight hours a day, my "vacation" was less than relaxing.  It was good to see friends back home and I look forward to a very productive day tomorrow.

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 36 - 38: Back to the Cold


Well the owner decided he didn't want to be in Florida anymore so we brought the boat back to Chicago.... only kidding.  The reason I am back is because over the next 10 days I will be in a class 8 hours a day and will be completing my testing to obtain my 100 Ton Master United States Coast Guard Captains License.  I am pretty excited considering I have been wanting to obtain this credential for awhile now.  The flight back from Sarasota went well and it was kind of crazy when we flew directly over the mouth of the Cal-Sag river, which I had entered about a month earlier with the boat.  Two and a half weeks it took me to get from Chicago to Sarasota once I went in to the river that I was now flying over.  It only took two and a half hours this time...crazy.  It was cool though to look down and see Hammond harbor, the entrance to the Cal-Sag and the Chicago Skyway, one of the first bridges we went under.  How it seems like so long ago.

The first day of class today went well.  I scored the highest in my class on our 30 question "rules of the road" test that we will be taking at the start of each day.  I was pretty proud of myself for that.  I don't think I have ever been at the top of my class for anything.  There was always some nerd that aced everything.  Does this mean I'm a nerd now, because I scored the highest?  I'll make sure to do worse on tomorrows test.  I'm pretty excited for the class itself and my study book is opened to the navigational lights and day shapes and is sitting just behind the computer waiting for the completion of this blog entry.

Sound Waves Out

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 33- 35: Rain!


It has been a slow but productive last couple of days.  And while I will be flying back to Chicago on Saturday to complete my 100 Ton USCG licensing the work will not stop on board.  We will have mechanics visiting to fix our water maker.  Someone is coming to take the jet boat so we can have a custom made tower with speakers and lights installed.  We are also putting in a gps system on the dingy.  So a lot is going to get accomplished while I'm gone.  Today was the first bad day of weather I have had since I left Chicago.  I took the owner to the airport and the skies above were black.  It finally started to rain on my way home and before I could get to the marina the roads were already starting to flood.  Now, an hour or so later, the rain has stopped but the sky is still a dark and gloomy gray, with no signs of another perfect Florida day in sight.  I guess I'll be working inside today.

Sound Waves Out

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 30-32: Happy Halloween!


To think, a year ago I was in Ft. Lauderdale, FL prepping a 34' sailboat to sail the seas.  I spent my Halloween in the yard at Lauderdale Marine  This year I got creative, real creative, and put my captains uniform on for a costume.  The owner asked that I join him at a Halloween party that his friend was throwing.  I ended up having an alright time considering I didn't know anyone and they were all 20-30 years older than me.  Yesterday the owner and I took a long dingy ride to a restaurant called Phillippi Creek.  It was a cool "island place", with tons of random, but authentic, crap on the walls.  Island music playing, open air, palm trees, all old wood for the bar, the floor, etc... I think you can picture it.  The problem was that it was very shallow at the docks and right as we were coming in we sucked something up in to the impeller.  We thought that we cleared it and went inside not thinking twice.  We sat there for hours ordering oysters, sitting for awhile, then ordering stone crab, sitting some more, before splitting a burger and calling it a day.  Upon returning to the dingy we found that whatever we sucked up was still there.  We limped over to a nearby marina, tied it up for the night and started walking to get a cab.  This nice couple, Carlos and Amanda, picked us up in their awesome car.  It was an old Scout Truck, and boy was it cool.  They took us back to the marina and came over for a drink.  Well they ended up staying for a few more than one drink and it was really cool to meet such nice people.  That's what boating is all about.

I woke up this morning, hopped in a cab back to the marina where we left the dingy, had them haul it out, pulled out an old plastic bottle, put the boat back in the water and drove it back to the big boat.  I kept my focus on the dingy and being that it has never been serviced I changed the plugs and the oil.  As soon as it comes out of the water I am going to rig up a salt water flush system, change the coolant, and apply an anti-corrosive lubricant to the drive shaft to protect it.  The owner wants to take me to Captain Kurt's tonight were there is this amazing Beatles cover band playing, but I am so tired I may pass him up on the offer.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 28-29: Sand Dollar Island; Up Close and Personal


The weekend.  There is a dock party going on a few slips away.  Some lady is yelling for "Billy", there is laughter here and there.  The band at the Marina Restaurant is about half way through playing "Mustang Sally".  The heat has finally released its grip and it is a cool 78 degrees right now.  Camera flashes go off at the dock party as memories are made.  Ride Sally Ride.

Last night was interesting.  We went to dinner at Captain Kurt's, worlds best clam chowder.  Sorry Beach Bar...its true.  After dinner we went to the bar in the back for Karaoke night.  I refused to sing, but Duff sang two songs and he was amazing.  "Can't ya see wooooh can't ya see what that women has been doing to me"
After a few songs Duff and I got sent to The Beach Club.  It was a lot of fun and after a long game of pool we managed to find our way back to the boat via Diplomat Taxi.

This morning we went for a ride in the jet boat with the owner.  He wanted to show us around the area before Duff had to leave later today for Chicago.  We were checking out 'Big Pass'  which is one of the entrances into Sarasota Bay that I was scared to try with the big boat.  Well I'm glad I didn't do it because there was a huge sign at the entrance of the channel that read "Local Knowledge Required".  Well as we were zipping along we drove over one of the sand bar shoals, called sand dollar island.  The jet boat draws next to nothing but the water depth was a little less than next to nothing.  High and dry we got out of the boat laughing (I wasn't driving).  A 7 knot ebb current was not helping our water depth situation as the Sarasota Bay drain plug was pulled and the tide was going out.  We eventually got someone to pull us off and it is a story that we will be able to laugh about for awhile.  I was just mad I didn't find any Sand Dollars, and I forgot to take a picture.  Oh well next time.

As the band finishes "What a Wonderful World" I think its time for this captain to make some dinner.

Have a happy Halloween!!!
Sound Waves Out

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 27: HOT, sushi


Today was a normal day at the office....  Clean out the sumps, organize the engine room, change out the primary filters and switch them to aft, change fuel supply and return to aft, check the oil levels, put up the bimini top, launch the scooters, launch the tender, wash the starboard hull, move the boat...twice, talk to the harbor master about dockage, have lunch with "the guy who is going to get us what we need when we need it", and sit back and enjoy the sunset over a nice beer,... and then do a provision.  Oh, did I mention it was 90 today and "felt like" 96 with a humidity of 80%?
Bring it on baby!!! Bring on the heat!

After the coldest shower I could take I finally stopped sweating.  We went out to an amazing sushi place, Pacific Rim.  It was such an awesome atmosphere; very light "club/spa" music playing in the background.  The outdoor patio consisted of an alleyway turned to patio.  The lighting was almost like we were in an aquarium as blue rope lights lined the tented ceiling.  White drapes covered the walls of the building next to us, and flowing water could be heard, but only if you listened for it.  The sushi was the best I have ever had, and we will definitely be going back there.  That is saying a lot because I never really liked sushi.

A late night provision brings me back to the boat and my eyes slowly resist staying open more and more.  It was a long day and my hands and feet are starting to feel rough again as soaps, cleaners, and hot pavement show no mercy for soft skin.  I can hear the band playing at the marina restaurant nearby, and while it is tempting to go listen to a few songs over a drink my body gets heavier and heavier on the mattress as I write.  The computer screen may shut and my eyes will not be too far behind.  It was a hard day of work today, and even though the air feels comfortable on the skin now I know that tomorrow's heat will be here too soon.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 26: Owner


Duff and I got up this morning and got right to work.  We only had a few hours before the owner would be showing up.  We spoke with the restaurant at the marina and they were able to help us out.  They came in early today and made two orders of Oysters Rockefeller and two orders of shrimp.  We asked them to bring it to the boat, fully prepared with their plates, silverware etc...  It was great that they were able to help us out.  The owner got in at 1030 and they usually don't open until 1130, but when we walked on to the aft deck after picking him up from the airport there it was.  He really appreciated it, his favorite appetizers, a clean boat, fresh flowers, and his favorite music playing.  I think that Duff and I did a good job welcoming him!
We drove around town for awhile, looked at some of the families condos that are just south of the marina and took a walk on the beach at Siesta Key, which is apparently one of the best beaches in the world.  The sand was pretty nice I will admit.
We may go up to the restaurant here in a little bit but for the most part I am absolutely beat!

Lets try those pictures again:

Coming in to Mobile Bay, Big Ships, Salt Water!

Dolphins greeting us, Mobile Bay

Sunset, Dog River Marina Mobile Bay, AL

Moonrise Pirates Cove, AL

My river beard just before it gets all taken off

Shrimp boats just inside the channel.  Near Port Saint Joe heading to Apalachicola

Welcome to Florida!! ICW

Sound Waves Out

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 25: Work Work Work


I lied in yesterdays post.  We did fire the engines today.  We only moved the boat to another slip in the marina though, so I guess it still didn't really count.  I'm getting better at docking a boat though thats for sure.  I backed her into a 20' wide slip today.  The boat is 18' wide, some will tell you 18.5'.  Either way it was a tight fit and while it took me one and a quarter tries (I had to pull out three feet and spin the boat a little, thats where the 'and a quarter' part comes in) I pretty much nailed it!....WITHOUT USING MY THRUSTERS...DAD!!! (I lied, I tapped um once) :-)  
We got up, had breakfast and got to work.  The boat was due for a real good scrub as there was either salt water or diesel soot on every square inch of the boat.  It took us all day really.  We cranked through some other projects, cleaned and washed, did some more projects, cleaned and washed some more, then did a little more washing.  All in all the boat is almost ready for the owner tomorrow.  The outside is done and the inside isn't too far behind.  We have our arrival greetings and "presents" ready to go and are excited to see the owner tomorrow.  On another note we did send Bruce on his way today, and while it was sad to see him go, I know that we will run into each other soon enough.
I'm not sure if I will be writing every day like this now that the delivery is finished.  We will just be sitting in Sarasota until late December when we leave for the Bahamas.  If something interesting happens I will be sure to log it though thats for sure!

I tried to upload pictures.  I was having problems, I'll try again later.

Sound Waves Out

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 24: Delivery Complete!


We came around the corner on the ICW and there it was...the city of Sarasota.  Only five more miles.  We woke up this morning with lazy on our mind.  I checked out the tide report and it was a perfect set up to navigate the shallow waters around Sarasota.  I made the decision, got everyone around, and we pulled away from the dock in Clearwater around 1100.  Local knowledge scared me from entering the two cuts in Sarasota and I decided to play it safe and go in to Tampa Bay and pick up the ICW and take that south in to Sarasota.  It was still a little scary and I'm glad we went through on high tide.  We were finally here.  Unbelievable.  And while the trip went so fast and we made such good time, I look back to a picture of us going under the Chicago Skyway and it seems like a lifetime ago.  I guess the title of this blog is starting to make more sense.  Jim Landis and Grace came down and met us for dinner, and while Grace had great plans to meet us with balloons and the whole works it was still great to see a familiar face and it was great company.

We accomplished something that, on the grand scheme of things, is no big deal.  Hundreds of people travel the river systems each season in their pleasure boats and while there are great stories and tragedy it is for the most part, a tranquil trip.  I don't know how to explain my emotions after turning the engines off at the dock today in Sarasota.  Relief?  Excitement? Anticipation?  Maybe a little sad that it was over?  Maybe it was a little bit of all of those rolled in to one.  My first trip down the river and I am proud to say I delivered someones biggest investment of their life 1,711.93 statute miles (1,521.72 nautical miles) safely and without problems.  Our biggest problem?...two small set screws on the bow thruster speed ring.  The stories tonight at dinner were all positive and while everyone on board got knocked one time or another for something "stupid" they did on the trip it was all followed with laughter.  I couldn't have asked for a better crew.  We were so automatic in everything that we did, whether it was at the dock, underway, meals, cleaning, or watching movies, we all found our place and kept the boat moving forward.  Tomorrow we will wash the boat, inside and out, do some projects, restock and prepare for the arrival of the owner.  It is time to switch gears.  Tomorrow we will get up and not have 100 miles ahead of us.  No engines will be fired, no shore power disconnected.  For the most part I am home until Christmas where I will then again switch gears and prepare to head for the Bahamas.

But really...thats still a lifetime away.

Sound Waves Out

Day 23: Beach Day!!


Today we were granted a day off.  Duff met up with his cousin and was off of the boat most of the day.  Bruce and I went down to the beach and made sure to stay really lazy.  It was a great day off and we ended up having the most amazing time!  Bruce and I explored the town that night and again managed to have a pretty fun time!  Shepard's was the place to be and it was packed.  Tomorrow we may hang out for one more day or get to Sarasota.

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 22: On the front door step


Another perfect day.  We haven't had one bad day of weather yet, and with Tropical Storm Richard getting pushed more and more in to land south of us, I'm not too worried about that either.  We scoped out Apalachicola and while it was a cool town with some great Oysters we decided to move on.  We fueled up as soon as the marina opened and took off.  Back out in to open waters.  As we throttled up land quickly disappeared behind us.  We were offshore without land in sight for about five hours and at one point about 60 miles out.  It felt good to be out on open waters again as the boat sliced through the water purring away.  We got in to Clearwater around 1730 and we were ready to have some fun.  17 straight days of running, most of those days well over 12 hour work days, it was time to have a little fun.  We checked in and got the local scoop.  Frenchy's was having a block party with stone crab on the menu.  Town was buzzing.  Finally a place where there was a wait at a restaurant, people were everywhere.  We went to the block party for awhile then wandered from one bar to another, meeting people on the way.  Now as I write to you the next morning, we plan to wash the boat this morning and head for the beach for an afternoon in the sun.  Its only 85 with out a cloud in the sky....

Sound Waves Out

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 21: Offshore


"Gonna put the world away for a minute
Pretend I don't live in it
Sunshine gonna wash my blues away
Had sweet love but I lost it
Got too close so I fought it
Now I'm lost in the world tryin to find me a better way

Wishin' I was
Knee deep in the water somewhere
got the blue sky, breeze and it don't seem fair
the only worry in the world
is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise, there's a fire in the sky
never been so happy
never felt so high
and I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise

Wrote a note, said "Be back in a minute"
Bought a boat and I sailed off in it
Don't think anybodies gonna miss me anyway
Mind on a permanent vacation
The ocean is my only medication
Wishin' my condition aint ever gonna go away

Now I'm knee deep in the water somewhere
Got the blue sky breeze blowin' wind thru my hair
Only worry in the world
is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise, there's a fire in the sky
never been so happy
never felt so high
and I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise

This champagne shore watchin' over me
It's a sweet sweet life livin' by the salty sea
One day you can be as lost as me
Change your geography and maybe you might be

Knee deep in the water somewhere
got the blue sky breeze blowin' wind thru my hair
only worry in the world
is the tide gonna reach my chair
Sunrise, there's a fire in the sky
never been so happy
never felt so high
and I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise

Come on in
the waters nice
find yourself a little slice
grab a backpack
otherwise you'll never know until you try
when you lose yourself
you find a key to paradise"

-Zac Brown Band feat Jimmy Buffet "Knee Deep"

What a day.  Again we woke up to not a cloud in the sky.  It was great company to see an old friend, Leroy, last night, and we had fun as usual catching up and telling stories.  We were undecided whether or not we were going to make the short jump to Pensacola, FL or go offshore and run for Apalachicola.  We idled down the ICW for about two hours and got a glimpse of the gulf through one of the cuts.  It was flat calm.  How could we not run today?  We turned south and out in to open waters, put the cursor on Apalachicola cranked up the stereo volume put the throttle down and sat back and watched the water fly by.  Dolphins continuously came up on the boat and said hello jumping and leaping high in to the air.  We couldn't ask for a better day.  Duff made an amazing open roast beef sandwhich with mashed taters for lunch as the boat cut through the gulf.  
We reached Port Saint Joe which was our entrance back in to the ICW and continued through Cyprus swamps for another 15 miles before coming up to Apalachicola.  Now on the dock the sun is sinking down and only a glow is left on a still cloudless sky as a near full moon lights up the sky from the east.  We were given a few days off if wanted but we are making such good time we may not stop until Sarasota.  There has been talk about stopping in Clearwater which is just north of Sarasota and hanging out for awhile.  With only about 140 miles to go we could not have asked for a better trip thus far.  With the weekend fast approaching it is time to go see what town we want to spend it in before making the final jump to Sarasota.  
It doesn't get much better!

Sound Waves Out

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 20: Dolphins


Why the question marks you ask. Well we think we are still in Alabama, but it is a close call and the Florida panhandle isn't far away.
The mechanic showed up on time today and got right to work.  At first I wasn't very hopeful as he asked for the manuals and I had to explain everything twice to him.  Well it turned out to be two set screws and I felt like an idiot.  I reset the set screws, and I should have taken them out and looked at them.  They were worn down and needed replacing.  So to say the least I learned something today, which has been the case about everyday so far this trip.  We decided to take off and head for the southeast side of Mobile Bay and at least get some miles under our belt.  It was slow going as Mobile Bay is rather shallow and we ran slow. To our surprise dolphins showed up every few minutes and went surfing in our stern wake.  A few of the dolphins jumped really high out of the water and it was quite amazing.  The sun was hot, really hot, almost too hot.  Another day and not a cloud in the sky.  We were in the south, and it was hot.  Did I tell you it was hot?  Now on the ICW we are heading over to Pirates Cove for a drink.  One of the people we sailed with in the Caribbean last winter lives in the area and he is coming down to the boat later.  Leroy, who was the crew on our buddy boat "Ma Jo Lee" has been in touch and is coming down to say hello.  Unfortunately the owner of that boat who we also got to know last winter is busy tonight and isn't going to make it out. I am excited to see Leroy and knowing him, we should have a fun time tonight.  There is talk of going outside tomorrow (into the gulf) and heading for Apalachicola Bay tomorrow.  We are keeping a close eye on a weather system to the south of us, but high upper level west winds should keep any tropical storm or hurricane away from the gulf.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 19: SALT WATER!!!


Holy Shit....yeah I said a naughty....we flipping did it.  Well we didn't do it yet, but holy cow we did it.  Two weeks ago we pulled back from the dock in Chicago.  Today I came in to the dock, no thruster of course, bait fish were jumping, oyster traps were out and that salt water foam was bubbling in prop wash....Mobile Bay.  Today was the longest day of the trip.  We had hit every lock on the Tenn-Tom waterway up until today perfectly, our last lock of the trip and he made us wait.  He was a ......well I will save the naughty words, I already said enough.  We twisted and turned down the Tenn-Tom and it just didn't seem that it would ever end.  We woke up this morning and the mindset was that we would see the gulf today.  Well I think that we were all thinking we would see the gulf by early afternoon.  We forgot that it was still a 120 mile day.  Finally we hit mile marker 0.0 on the river system.  Commercial boats were everywhere.  Huge freighters, crazy tug boats....the works.

The river banks peeled away.  Marks went from statute to nautical, muddy water turned to... less than muddy water, sea gulls showed up, pelicans started diving, the horizon was empty.  There was salt water on the nose.  Suddenly we could throw a wake and not worry about the fishing boat around the bend.  You couldn't even see the river banks.  The river banks were gone.  The curvature of the earth was the limit.  Where should we go?  Where can we go?  Better yet, where can't we go?  Finally an open body of water.  Was the river all that bad?  Hell no, the river was great, but finally an open horizon again.  Bruce was on the helm I was on the charts and suddenly we were paying attention again.  There were no river banks acting as our bumpers at the bowling alley anymore.  We could end up in two feet of water without thinking twice.

What an awesome feeling.  With still hundreds of miles to go, I have accomplished something that I never dreamed of doing before retirement.  I did it.....better yet we did it.

We had crab legs, shrimp, grilled catfish and mahi mahi for dinner.  Tomorrow we will have a visit from a mechanic for the thruster pump then we will go from there!

Here are some pictures that I promised:


 Fogged in at Grand Harbor:

84' Drop at the locks.  Beginning of the Tenn-Tom waterway

Sunset Mobile Bay...Thats salt water

Arch on Sound Waves, Moon in the background

The dam outside one of the locks, not sure what lock it was.  Maybe the....Fulton?

Bottom of the Whittman.....84' drop

Top of the Whittman.....84' drop to come

Sound Waves Out